Saturday, January 03, 2009

Things I learned in 2008

Pinched from the lovely Patroclus. Thank god for memes, I'm brain-dead.

1. Not to buy a flat sandwiched between two other noisy bastard flats shortly before a recession which sees house prices tumbling.

2. You can email the mayor of Hackney and he has to respond.

3. My crush has a long-term girlfriend, (which explains blowing hot&coldness.)

4. Parisians are more friendly than they used to be.

5.Apparently I'm bootylicious. Like the Jewish J-Lo. Or the honky Beyonce. Only not.

6. Changing things to how you want them to be is about as easy as levitating.*

7. Weddings in Cornwall are more debauched than weddings elsewhere in the country.

8. No matter what history you share, you still have a bond with your family.

9. Beneath my amiable, fluffy exterior is a will of iron. Don’t fuck with me.

10. * But not, you know, totally impossible. However much you think you’ve seen it all, you can still be surprised. There's always room for hope.


Tim F said...

5 and 7 are both true.

Annie said...


I am thinking of moving to Cornwall.

Anonymous said...

Well, your skills are movable - is that the word? - so you could up sticks. And exert your will of iron elsewhere. Or were you joking about that? (Moving to Cornwall, not the will of iron?)

Annie said...

I'm half-joking. Had enough of London at the moment. I came back from Spain and loved being back for the last 5 years, which is not bad going, but now I've come to the end of that cycle and have want to leave again. Which is unfortunate timing.

Billy said...

I've been to weddings in Somerset and Essex. Have I missed much?

Anonymous said...

Would it make you a moral fiend to let your flat out and live somewhere else (which is, of course, 80 billion times easier said than done)? I have no idea about anything grown-up (apart from constantly fucking paying non-stop, 24-hour taxes) so don't know if rent would cover a mortgage. Come and live on our sofa-bed for ever if you like. I'm sure you, the Russian and I would get used to it eventually.

Marsha Klein said...

Can I come to Cornwall with you?

Might BiB's idea be a goer?

Annie said...

I bet they were good too, Billy.

It might come to that, BiB. Looking into soundproofing right now. (I did kind of intend to go travelling and rent it out at some point, I just didn't think it would be so soon.) Thank you, darling, that's very kind. Maybe I could reinvent myself as an artist type in Berlin.

Marsha, course you can.

rockmother said...

Can we all go to Cornwall and live communally? I can cook and play nice music for everyone.

Del said...

Pfff, you'd get bored in Cornwall. I love the place for visiting, but you can't see Waiting For Godot there. It's about as culturally diverse as a copy of the Daily Mail.

Del said...

Oh and I'm so going to nick this.

Annie said...

You're selling it to me, RoMo...

Del, I can't see Waiting for Godot here, it's too expensive. And who needs culture when you've got surfers and pasties? Nick away. I'm looking forward to your answers.

Anonymous said...

Re #6: It's possible!

Get off your fanny, Annie?