Friday, July 07, 2006

To sell out or not to sell out

Dear Annie, [says the email]

We at [Name of website] love your blog ( and would like to sponsor you by purchasing a couple of direct html text links on your home page. We typically pay between £15 to £30 per month (depending on various factors) paid either quarterly or semi-annually in advance for a year’s contract.

Very very excited. They want to sponsor little old me! I'll be like a famous footballer, or Beyonce!

Hold on a minute though - is this just a polite type of spam? Is everyone getting these? What do you reckon?


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Psst, Annie, I got one. Thrice from the same man. I deleted.

patroclus said...

I've never had anything like that. Pash had something of the sort, though, and she definitely made some real cash.

Which famous footballer will you be like?

Mike said...

Sounds fishy to me...

Shyha said...

DCVer had a post about it some time ago

Annie said...

Aw, GG, Viking, you mean I wasn't talent-spotted? Thing is, if it really did pay it would pay for my broadband...

Patroclus, will check out Pash's.

Hmm, footballers - I would like to say Thierry Henry (how can one human being contain so many virtues?) but probably more like Maradona, the Elvis of football; early brilliance eclipsed by later drug habits and eating all the pies.

Shyha, do you remember what it was called? I'd like to see it, Dcver is cleverer than me...

Anonymous said...


"What would Bill Hicks do?"

Shyha said...

Uff, I found it!

Billy said...

I wouldn't do it myself. But if I did, I would spend the money on stupid things each month and post pictures of all these stupid things.

Del said...

I've had promo people asking me to big up certain artists in return for freebies, but my sense of independence has so far kept them at bay.

You can't put a price on your integrity. Well, I'd ask for me than 30 quid at any rate.

Anonymous said...

Annie, what this is, is search engine scamming. So you put links on your site, and it bumps up their site in google. I'm sure if you read the T&C's the reality of actually getting the money out of them will be iffy if at all.

As for advertising, I've recently put google adsense on two pages on my site that get like 75% of my google hits. I'm tempted to put it on some of the old pages to see what the long tail can produce, since most of my hits on old pages is just idiots on google.

On the front page I haven't advertised but have pimped a close friend on occasion. I would do this for other close friends starting up businesses, but doubt I would just do it as general advertising. I don't get enough traffic to warrant it anyway.

We do affiliate and internet marketing at eBay. You need high traffic sites (sorry no insult intended) for this to have value, so if this isn't a black hat SEO scammer I would be surprised.

Annie said...

Rad - smoke another cigarette? Good idea...

Shyha - thank you! He is clever, that Dcver.

Billy, I could buy stupid things and post them here without sponsorship - great idea.

Del! Freebies! You can have too much integrity...

Ah, thank you Adrian, all is clear.
You hear this people? Beware the search engine scamming.