Monday, September 18, 2006

World's longest meme

Apologies for the silence, I have been snowed under and struggling with technical difficulties. (Starting back at school so this is my excuse, I won't be posting for a while.)

This was seen at Billy's, I enjoy answering these things but you may lose the will to live by the end of it.

1. Your first grade teacher: Can’t remember. (Don’t expect the kids to remember me either.)

2. Last word you said: Bye!
3. Last song you sang: Dreams. Having a bit of a Fleetwood Mac moment – the shame…
4. Last person you hugged: My nephew.
5. Last thing you laughed at: Dylan Moran. We saw him do stand-up last night in the Hammersmith Apollo.. I would rather be a bull-fighter and risk being gored to death by an angry bull for a living than ever do stand-up as a job, so hats off to him. (He was v funny.)
6. Last time you said I don’t remember: A highly important discussion about the name of an actor in some film we had seen.
7. Last time you cried: Reading about the 22 year old father stabbed to death in East London.
8. What colour socks are you wearing: black
9. What’s under your bed: drawers filled with secret & arcane objects that I cannot write about here.
10. What time did you wake up today: 5.45 am. It's not natural.
11. Current taste: California Zinfandel. Loving the rose when the sun's out.
12. Current hair: bad hair. As always.
13. Current annoyance: weather. Hot/cold/hot/cold/rain/sun/rain/sun… what’s a girl to wear?
14. Current longing: Nicotine. Still.
15. Current desktop background: Picture of the ducks in Victoria Park
16. Current worry: Anxiety dreams about work. Bah.
17. Current hate: Hatred is bad for your blood pressure.
18. Current favourite article of clothing: A wrap dress, first dress bought in years.
19. Favourite physical feature of the preferred sex: Back of the neck is very appealing. Also shoulders, hands, mouth, eyes, legs, bum… ahem.

20. Last CD that you listened to: Sly and The Family Stone
21. Favourite place to be: In bed
22. Least favourite place: Staffroom at 8.00 am Monday morning
23. Time you wake up in the morning: 5.45. Like clockwork. Except when I get the 3.00 am, 4.00 am and 5.00 am wakey-wakeys, which are a drag.
24. If you could play an instrument, what would you play: For coolness, the guitar or the drums. For the sound, a trumpet.
25. Favourite colour: Red
26. Do you believe in an afterlife: only in the sense that we fertilize the ground and come back as tomatoes.
27. How tall are you: Do you know, I never measured. Something like 5' 6.”
28. Current favourite word/saying: Do you know what I mean?
29. Favourite book: Just one? Okay then – Cherry by Mary Karr
30. Favourite season: Summer
31. One person from your past you wish you could go back to see: any of the grandparents.
32. Where do you want to go for university?: Don’t make me go back again…
33. What is your career going to be like: This is for young folk, isn’t it? My career is pitiful…
34. How many kids do you want: somewhere in the region between 0 and 2

Have you ever...
35. Said “I love you” and meant it (with the opposite sex) Yes. And no.
36. Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: No
37. Been to New York: Yes yes yes, my kind of town. I liked Brooklyn even better than Manhattan last time...
38. Been to Florida: No
39. Been to the Bahamas: no
40. Been to Mexico: no, but would go and see Frida Kahlo's house first thing if I could.
41. Been to China: No
42. Been to Canada: Yes, age 5. Up the CN Tower, Tallest Building In The World. And got lost at Niagara Falls (everyone wears yellow raincoats and looks the same, I got separated from my party and nearly ended up with a group of Japanese tourists.)
43. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: No, I have very surreal dreams usually which bear no relation to real life. Often to do with submerged cities and tidal waves for some reason. Maybe I'm having prophetic visions of the distant future...?

45. Do you have a crush on someone: Only on Keanu (my default crush when no one real is in the running.)
46. What book are you reading now?: East End Chronicles, a history of East London. I won’t tell you why Houndsditch is called Houndsditch. And Beyond Black, by Hilary Mantel, which is the darkest thing I've read in a long time...
47. Worst feeling in the world: Losing someone you love
48. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: It can’t be morning already…
49. How many rings before you answer: I never answer. Voicemail is a fine invention.
50. Future daughter’s name: Bathsheba
51. Future son’s name: Ezekiel
52. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no. I am not 7.
53. If you could have any job you wanted: I would have Wolfgang Tillmans’ job
54. Where do you wish you were: In my own house.
55. Piercings: In the ears.

The extra stuff
57. Do you do drugs: Hardly ever.
58. Do you drink: Oh yes.
59. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Aveda when I’m feeling rich, it really works
60. What are you most scared of: One of the kids in my care getting injured.
61. What clothes do you sleep in: a vest.
62. Who is the last person that you called: my friend Rachael
63. Where do you want to get married: Never. Never getting married. Brrrrr…
64. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: I would like to swap faces and bodies with Nastassia Kinski
65. Who do you really hate: Chris Moyle. Why is he?
66. Been in love: Hmmmmm…
67. Are you timely or always late: Usually timely
68. Do you have a job: Yes
69. Do you like being around people: No, not really.Always quite liked the idea of working with plants, that don't talk back.
70. Best feeling in the world: Do I have to spell it out?
71. Are you for world peace: No, I’m all for chaos, war and misery. Duh!
72. Are you a health freak: Ha ha ha!
73. Do you have a “Type” of person you always go after: Yes, usually if they’re not interested it works for me…
74. Do you want someone you don’t have?: No one specific
75. Are you lonely right now: No
76. Ever afraid you’ll never get married: Can categorically say no.

In the last 48 hours, have you:
78. Cried: No
79. Bought Something: Coffee. Bread. Shoes. And a raincoat.
80. Gotten Sick: No
81. Sang: Yes (when alone. I would never inflict my voice on other people.)
82. Said I Love You: Nope. (Wow, obsessed or what?)
83. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: No, I’m English, goddammit. Stiff upper lip and all that.
84. Met Someone: flatmate L, colleagues, 30 kids, Rachael, Dylan Moran (from a distance)
85. Moved On: Only in the temporal sense
86. Talked to Someone: Yes, flatmate, colleagues, friends, kids at school ("sit on your bottoms! on your bottoms!" it is quite unbelievable, how many times a day I utter this phrase.)
87. Had A Serious Talk: No.
88. Missed Someone: No, I am a rock, I am an island.
89. Hugged Someone: Yes
90. Yelled at Someone: No. Sometimes I raise my voice at the kids, but try not to yell.
91. Dreamed About Someone You Can’t Be With: Yes, I did, how weird.

Feel free to pick your favourite question & answer it in the comments box. Don't be shy...


Mike said...

43. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?

Nope. Like you, my dreams are typically far too crazy for the real world. Although, sometimes I dream about what I want for breakfast, then I wake up and eat what I dreamed about. Does that count?

Shyha said...

43. op. cit.

My girlfriend sometimes has (my sister too). She (BH) dreamed her father paying the ticket :)

The Curve said...

38. Been to Florida: No

Anonymous said...

re No.15 I used to live 15 minutes walk from Victoria Park in Antill Road E3 you know it?
No. 26 No, not sure if I believe in a life-life either.

Annie said...

Viking - aah, breakfast. The only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning...

Shyha - what ticket? Not the winning lottery ticket?

The Curve - cryptic. Don't you like Florida? I'd like to visit Hemingway's house. And Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville, of course.

Realdoc, we would've been neighbours, it's a mere hop skip and a jump from here. Antill Road is very nice...

Beyond Black is all about a medium, funnily enough. It is intriguing. I'd like to think we could be reincarnated, and I'd like to come back as a cat. Eat, sleep, eat, sleep, shag, eat, sleep - be fussed over and looked after, and supremely disdainful with no need to return affection if I didn't feel like it.

Shyha said...

Unfortunately no :) I have problem with that word (ticket) in English because it's meaning is too wide. What I mean is a ticket in a sense of financial punishment for riding a bus without the valid ticket (without paying a ride). :) Ufffff :D

Billy said...

It's an excellent meme, but it doesn't half go on.

Nice answers - I love the childrens' names.

Señor Tronosco said...

81. I sang a bit in the shower today, ended with Kate Bush's "WOW". Big mistake, almost bust my stitches and felt a bit dizzy afterwards!

Anonymous said...

43 Cognitive dreaming. Yes, couple of times.

Del said...

Good to hear I'm not the only one having a Fleetwood Mac attack.

Anonymous said...

28. Current favourite word/saying:


A fine old English word.

Say it with me: fut-tock.

There. Isn't that satisfying?

Annie said...

Shyha, aha. We call it a 'fine'.

Billy - I like them, but they might get teased at school.

Señor T - bust my stitches - I feel all faint.

Tattiehead,you mean, you dream about things that actually happen?

Del, if you like them, I can breathe a sigh of relief and regain my groovy points.

Jack - a splendid word, sounding like a cross between fossick and buttock. (Admit it now, did you make it up?)

rockmother said...

Oh my goodness - that whole meme is my idea of hell - but it's tempting to have a go - I get bored really easily and start getting all arsey with my replies though. Top marks for doing that!

Glad you are liking the poohcasts - just lost the whole of no.7 yesterday which rather put me off - am slightly less cross today but not much!!

Del said...

I did better than answer one question (which I failed to do with my last comment), I done answered the whole freaking shebang over at my place.

And using me as a barometer of grooviness is a very grave error, I fear.

Annie said...

Rockmother, memes are good when you're very low on inspiration and v busy at work.

I sympathise. You are very calm considering.

Del, bravo! Good answers! Your podcast is groovy. Especially Speedy Gonzales.

Del said...

Ta. I should do another one sometime really. Podcast, not quiz. Although I might do another quiz as well. Anyway...

Anonymous said...

Sorry Annie, couldn't pick one question so I answered them all, elsewhere.

Adrian said...

28. Current favourite word/saying:

Gugelhupf. It's an Austrian cake.

I took your memememememe and put in on mymymy myspace.

Annie said...

QE, Adrian, rah! will come and read them pronto.

Anonymous said...

I did not!


Annie said...

And Adrian, I'd comment, but I'd have to join MySpace.

Jack, so I see... How many times I've needed a handy word to indicate one of the curved timbers that forms a rib in the frame of a ship, and now I have one!