Friday, April 03, 2009

Dumb and happy, or clever and miserable

Which is better?


Del said...

Clever and miserable. Every time.

There is depth, romance and beauty in that.

Annie said...

Del - really? I'm beginning to doubt it.

Do you think clever and happy is possible, at all?

Tim F said...

To be dumb and truly happy, you have to be so dumb, you don't know how dumb you are.

Del said...

Well, it depends what you mean by happy really. Contentment breeds stagnation. I think you can find happiness in overcoming the crap that life throws you. It's through achieving things that you gain real happiness, rather than being too thick to think anything else.

Inwardly Confused said...

Clever and miserable.

emordino said...

> Do you think clever and happy is possible, at all?


Annie said...

'you have to be so dumb, you don't know how dumb you are' - that's what I aspire to, Tim.

Del - 'contentment breeds stagnation' - or vice versa? I'd like to try it, for a while. It's a Western idea, isn't it, that we should always be striving for something, and an Eastern one that says that contentment lies in overcoming desire? We're all too Western, I reckon.

Inwardly Confused, misery's too high a price to pay for clever clogs, I think.

Emordino - oh, tell us more...

Lottie said...

the one at the beginning of that sentence you wrote.

Del said...

Oooh, interesting point. I think it's a balance. I certainly believe that desiring what you can't have makes you miserable. But I think that's mainly material gains. I think that wanting to develop as a person, emotionally, is a positive thing.

I certainly got a lot happier when I stopped trying to fit in with the cool set and realised that my friends were the best thing I have, and always have been. I think it took a certainly level of maturity to realise that.

And it's ups and downs and highs and lows. You only truly appreciate a sunny day when you've had a cold winter. I think half the trouble is we're expected to be happy all the time, almost as an imposed lifestyle choice, and it just doesn't work like that. Life is often tragic, something that the truly dense may not comprehend, but there's plenty of joy in between. It's just a ride.

Anonymous said...

Dumb and miserable.

emordino said...

If I told you more it wouldn't work. Or something.

rockmother said...

Umm (she thinks dumbly) maybe I would like to be clever and miserable as I may have the chance of being happier or dumber and none the wiser in the future..