Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"The companies [like GlaxoSmithKlein] will do 'well' out of this" says a cheery pharmaceutical analyst on Radio 4 "so in a way, we need something like this to happen, to keep them doing research into diseases like swine flu..."

There's something diabolical, uniquely 21st century wrong about this, it's just too early for me to think about what it is.


Boz said...

The 'swine flu released to kick-start global economy' rumours start here!

Tim F said...

We should encourage murderers, thieves and sex offenders, as they keep police officers in work.

Istvanski said...

GSK are working hard at trying to save our bacon.

Annie said...

Boz, my inner conspiracy theorist is smirking cynically.

Tim, ah thanks, yes that's what's wrong with this logic.

Istvanski - have you noticed how many news stories emphasize the WE'RE THE BEST PREPARED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD FOR SWINE FLU!!! angle? Yes, we may have fucked up our economy and our civil rights forever, but goddammit we have enough flu drugs in stock!

Istvanski said...

Exactly Annie. They focus on stories about rogue swines to try diverting our attention from the capitalist pigs.