Tuesday, November 15, 2005

شوخی با مردم

A prize for anyone who knows what this language is (or what it says).

Or why they have linked here. There is Slaminsky, sandwiched between LESBIAN WORLD DAILY NEWS and AMERICAN EXPRESS PLATINUM... ooer.

What can it mean?


David said...

Lesbian World?

Is that like Disney World?

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Ask Cream...it kinda looks like Arabic. I think. Not sure...

Cream said...

Hi, Annie
GG had the right idea. Looks Arabic but it is Farsi.(Persian)
It says: Shookhi Ba Mardam but I have no idea what it means.
It might even be somebody's name!

Annie said...

Greavsie - tee hee!

Thanks Cream and GG! And Shookhi Ba Mardam, whoever they may be.

Um... I was bluffing about the prize. There is no real prize. Unless... you would both like a guest post? (You could maybe advise me on what to cook for my guests for Sunday lunch, bit nervous about my cooking skills...)Though it strikes me that this is more of a punishment than a prize!

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Cream is the food man, he knows 10 minute dishes. Ask him. Haha, now, that gets me out of it tee hee

Anonymous said...

If Lesbian World was like Disney World would they have a Donald Dyke?
Just wondering like.
Hi annie, this is a great blog mate. :)

Annie said...

Thanks Rad! And, ouch. What is it with men and the terrible puns? ;-)