Friday, October 26, 2007

My little pony

'Go away. We're talking about girls' things.'
'I can be a girl too. I can talk about horses and periods...'

Male friend of Annie's (who'd been at a mixed boarding school), circa 1994

This was his impression of the things that mattered to girls. (Well, he had a point. My Little Pony was a cynical, brilliant idea of genius, invented by someone who understood that the things little girls love more than anything are a) horses and b) brushing hair, and who combined them in one appalling yet strangely seductive plastic toy.) He was not so interested in horses and periods, but did not want to be left out of the girls' conversation .

What traits do you find most intriguing about the opposite sex then?

Me first - I find men's fascination with facts and figures intriguing. The way their eyes light up if they come across Schott's Original Miscellany or Wisden or the like. Is it something genetic, do you reckon?


Tim F said...

It's the shoes thing. Ooooh, what lovely shoes! Let's go shopping for shoes. Where did you get those shoes? I need more shoes, I only have 50 pairs.

Don't get it. Never will.

Annie said...

Ah, shoes *eyes glaze over*

I could try and explain it Tim, (something to do with your identity; sexuality; the fact that however much your weight can fluctuate, your feet will always stay the same; the fact that finding a pair that both look good and you can walk in is liking hunting the Holy Grail) but to be truthful, I don't really understand it myself. I'm also a slave to the shoes, though I only ever wear the same pair of trainers. Saddo.

Anonymous said...

Maps-they adore maps. Every guy I know has a thing about a large A3 sized Atlas.

Del said...

Ironic that a man whose surname is Footman can't understand a fascination with shoes.

Having never had a sister and having gone to a single sex secondary school, more or less everything about women fascinates me. But more than anything, the way women's brains work.

(To be honest, I think it's that my own personal brain is really weird, and hence anyone else's brain, male or female is a mystery. But I don't really care about male brains.)

Oh and knickers, obviously.

Hayden said...

Quiet competance with daily mechanical things. I know, not all men have that, but many many do. And I'm a woman who struggles for competance with house-things, it's never simple to me, my brain does not tilt towards the mechanics. So a man who has that has a strangely seductively calming effect on me - makes me feel "safe."

Anonymous said...

Thank god you're back x

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me x

Arabella said...

The Husband has a photographic memory for directions and numbers. And an awesome ability to take complicated wired contraptions apart and put them back together again.
Very handy.
He doesn't understand the shoe thing either but he makes appreciative noises.

Annie said...

Sar - maps, right, it's FACTS AND FIGURES.

Del, I salute your weird brain. Knickers to you too.

Hi Hayden - me too. I worship anyone who can fix things.

Thanks V. A pleasure to see you today, as ever.

Arabella - where did you find him? Does he have a brother?

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely spot on with the facts and figures thing* (statistics of all kinds in fact!) I am married to a man who, when in the City of Lovers, on his honeymoon, with his young wife of two days standing, was heard to remark:

"I wonder how many rivets there are in the Eiffel Tower?"

* Unless, of course, said facts and figures relate to relatives birthdays (dates, how old, what sex etc)

llewtrah said...

Eh? Horses and hair? I hated that sort of stuff (Matchbox cars and Lego for me please). As for the opposite sex, I seem to have more in common with men that with my own gender. I am fascinated by the way women (apart from me it seems) need so much make-up, so many clothes/shoes and have to go "girlie shopping" when they don't need to buy anything.

rockmother said...

I think I should have been a man. I can take things apart and put them back together again, have a photographic memory, like maps, like numbers and LOVE SHOES! SO maybe not then.