Friday, June 02, 2006

London on less than a fiver

What to do when you have 6 hours to kill in Central London. And not much money.

Meet Bad Sarah for lunch and catch up on gossip. (We favour the Pret a Manger opposite the National Portrait Gallery for people-watching potential. We saw Barry Gibb out of the BeeGees. At least it looked like him. You could tell by the way he used his walk. )

Go to the Photographer's Gallery - a fine institution which will also feature in my "Toilets of London" guide when I get around to writing it (it is free, and very central but don't tell anyone.)

Get a free shot of flavoured espresso (or two) outside Starbucks.

Read the papers and magazines back-to-back in Borders.

Go to Maison Bertaux (Greek Street, Soho) for a cup of tea, taking advantage of the fact that it's the first time in 15 years you've passed it and there are seats available inside.

Go to Liberty's and admire the shoe department. Go to Selfridges and admire the lingerie department.

Consider getting a makeover whilst in Selfridges. Decide against it because you've always been terrified of the make-up ladies. Even now when you are older than them.

Pass up on the chance to see The Devil and Daniel Johnston for a bargainous £1.50 at the Prince Charles cinema because it's the first time the sun has been out in days and you don't want to sit in the dark.

Shiver in Soho Square for at least 10 minutes. No, it's really not that warm yet.


Cream said...

Sounds like a good day out!
Enjoyed Soho Square!
And I've always fancied a makeover!

Anonymous said...

Any day like that is better than sitting in an office. Yes - our pret was good and good to see you as ever. I chuckle thinking about SNF man - he sure did strut his stuff and he had an actual MANE!

Anonymous said...

...or call G to see if she's in town.

Alda said...

Since you mention toilets, I must say that I have noticed that Lundun has the *best* public toilets I've seen anywhere - all the loos I visited were always spotless and, what's more, had lots of character.

Not that I made the rounds or anything.

Is that what your guide is going to be about, BTW?

Anonymous said...

Make up ladies are scary - with their orange complexions and their eyebrows plucked in such away that they appear to have had a massive shock.

There's a makeup place in Wellington where the woman who managed always seemed to be grimacing and baring her teeth because of the amount of lipgloss she had on. She also had drag-queen quantities of sparkly eyeshadow.

You need to pick and choose the people you let near you with a makeup brush.

Mike said...

A guide to public toilets-- best idea ever!

Tim F said...

In Thailand, all the smart dept store make-up counters have katoey (ladyboys) working on them. They always have the best makeup.

And the best tits.

Annie said...

Cream, I'm sure you're a natural beauty in no need of cosmetic enhancement.

Sar, why did I not take a picture and share his mane with my readers? D'oh!

Aw, Natalie, if I'd have known you were just upstairs I would have asked you to join us! What a small world London is really...

Hi Sarah, welcome! You're so right - make-up can be a double-edge sword, especially when applied by 'professionals' who seem to use Joan Crawford as interpreted by a drag queen as their model.

G, I'm such a dope, I forget you're in town too.

Alda, I'm delighted (and it has to be said, surprised) that you had a good toilet experience in London. That will be my guide, because don't you always find when you're a tourist, it's not the architecture or the history that concerns you so much as where you can have a piss when in need?

Viking, there's a gap in the market for sure - though unlike, say, restaurant guides, there are no maitre d's in toilets to give you back-handers in return for a good write-up.

Tim, from my brief (5 hour) visit to Bangkok, there is nothing like a ladyboy to make you feel inadquately feminine.

Anonymous said...

You should do the next TFL movie advert.

Quink said...

The Photographer's Gallery is wonderful - I really don't go there as much as I should like. And as for Bertaux - most of the seats are upstairs, aren't they? They do a wonderful macaroon...

Annie said...

Thanks Adrian - I've offered my services, sure they'll get back to me soon.

Quink, the Photographer's Gallery also does great cake. I only just realised that Maison Bertaux had an upstairs - what kind of Londoner am I?