Friday, January 04, 2008

The perils of online grocery shopping

Anybody want any tomato puree?


Istvanski said...

Was this down to a typo?

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Only available in deli´s and the chinese supermarket in town, none too cheap either. Will accept any surplus!!!

Annie said...

Istvanski, I'm 99% sure I ordered 1, and not THIRTEEN tubes of tomato puree, which has got to be several lifetime's worth...

Em, hahaha! I wondered if you might like some, so glad to oblige... Can you wait til half-term?

Istvanski said...

Why don't you give them out as prizes at the quiz night?

Matt said...

I'll take a tube or two! Same address as you sent the Squeezy Marmite to. :-)

bedshaped said...

Surely the answer is to get yourself a cookery book which bases most of its recipes on tomato puree.

rockmother said...

Ha ha - how did you manage that?! I recommend squeezing at least two tubes through your landlords letter box ;-)

I love tomato puree - yes please. x

Tim F said...

"Miss, Miss, why do you bring cold spaghetti bolognaise for lunch every day?"

Annie said...

Istvanski - that'll make people come to the quiz...

Okay Matt. it'll be a substitute for Guinness flavoured marmite which I couldn't find.

Bedshaped - right, or kind bloggers could send recipes in for me.

RoMo - do email me & I'll post them.

Tim - this is shamingly near to the truth...

Betty said...

Tomato puree has to be used within a couple of days of opening, doesn't it?

My advice is to set up a pizza manufacturing service to rival Goodfellas. Well, we're all supposed to turn our lives around and start new ventures in the New Year, aren't we?

David said...

Use them to ensnare non-rubbish English men..or something..or give them away to charidee?

Annie said...

Goodfellas - as in drug-dealing mafiosi? 'So I sez to this Slaminsky chick, I sez, waddaya gonna do? Gonna make you an offer for your pizza topping recipe you can't refuse...'

Greavsie - is tomato puree seductive to men then? Well I never. That's where I've been going wrong...

Unknown said...

Oh God, I once clicked on "kg" instead of "item" and ended up with 10kgs of bananas and 5kgs of apples! Fortunately, the supermarket was very understanding.

llewtrah said...

Oopsie! I'm sure both Billy and I could buy a tube or two off you for our pasta dishes (well I certainly could, I ran out a while back and have been using ketchup in recipes).

Annie said...

Marsha, yikes! You could've opened a greengrocers...

Llewtrah - come to the quiz and I'll pay you in tomato puree...

Atomic Ephemera said...

I once ordered bread from Tesco. They delivered flour, yeast and a smirking delivery driver. Bastards.

Annie said...

hahaha! Bastards!