Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes, a cigar is only a cigar **

I has a cigar. *

(courtesy of Monkey Shoulder Whisky Appreciation Society, thanks RoMo. In our profession we never get schmoozed, never get invited to industry black-tie functions, never get taken out to lunch or courted or backhanded golden handshaked highfived or otherwise patted on the back, so a night of whisky cocktails and Havana's finest cigars in a private club in Soho, all for free, on a schoolnight, was much appreciated.) Salut!

* there is something barbarically cruel about slicing the end off a cigar, I find. It made me wince, for some reason...

** S. Freud.


Billy said...

I've never been a big fan of cigars, but that sounds like quite an evening.

Now if they'd just have a gin and small clay pipe evening, that'd be perfect.

rockmother said...

Ooh - did you go? Was it fun?

Istvanski said...

Mmm, quality drink on its own accompanied with one ice cube, shame to water it down into a cocktail using other fluids. Nearly as good as Crown Royal XR.

Tim F said...

But that cigar looks as if it's been sealed in a CSI evidence baggy.

Does is contain evidence of major mischief?

Betty said...

Intriguing. Have you been hanging out with hip hop types? They tend to smoke a lot of cigars.

Annie said...

Billy, I'm sure it would have been right up your street.

RoMo - wicked fun. Lovely Regency house, lots and lots of men, fine whisky, first ever cigar - we plan to go again!

Istvanski - oh yes, we did follow it up with a pure whisky for the whisky tasting, the cocktails were just for starters.

Tim, what possible mischief can you get up to with a - oh.

Betty - right. Primary school teacher by day, chillin with the homeys at night, that's me.

rockmother said...

See - I told you!

Anonymous said...

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llewtrah said...

I used to enjoy a cigar till I quit nicotine altogether. Sitting at a beer festival with pints and cigars ... those were the days!