Wednesday, April 02, 2008

History lesson

some time in the early 1990s.

The Government: Oh noes! We don't has enough teachers! Nobody wants to work with the smelly children for pitiful wages! Especially in London, the most expensive city in the universe! What can we do?!

the Teachers: Pay us more money

The Government: Okay! Have £6000 to study. Have £18,000 to work in a school and train. Have a bit more money in your take home pay.


The Government: Hurrah! We has enough teachers.

A bit later

The Government: We are paying these teachers too much money. Let's give them less money than what we said we would.


The Government: Oh noes! We don't has enough teachers!* (repeat ad infinitum.)

*Recruitment and retention fact - 50% of newly qualified teachers leave within 3 years.

(I'm in my 3rd year...)


the whales said...

50% leave in their third year?!
Jesus, I'm in my second...
Not sure what to make of that!

Istvanski said...

Disgraceful. If you do go for industrial action, threaten them with a biggie like we did recently. No one wants to take this kind of time off from work (who can really afford it in the first place?) but it may be the only way to stop them taking the piss out of you guys.

Billy said...

What Istvanski said, basically.

Del said...

Mooching teachers. Spending my hard earned taxes! You should do it for free! For the love of it!

You should try working in the media. Times are hard. Sometimes I have to take a chauffeur driven BMW to work when they don't have any Mercs available. And the water fountains only have Cava in, not Champagne. And my diamond shoes are too tight!

Seriously though, the Marxist in me says STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE! Bring down the government!

rockmother said...

Quite frankly we need a fecking riot! It is a democracy - we need our say - and we haven't had it for too long.

QE said...

I loves teh LOLgovernment quotes.

They should do their press releases like that.

Rad said...

Very very similar to the NHS. The government are twats. If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal.

Annie said...

The Whales - you made it through the first year, pat yourself on the back.

Istvanski & Billy - I know,if it was up to me, we'd strike for a week. As it is, it's only going to be one day.

Del - capitalist.

RoMo - at least in the 70s/80s you knew where you were - now the poverty gap is widening but they seem to be getting away with it so far.

QE - do you think they'd employ me as a spin doctor?

Rad - I know ducky. I thought it was going to be a general strike, with all the unions on board - looks like it's just the NUT *sigh*

DC said...

Having read the Centre for Policy Studies piece on Troops to Teachers I was actually considering it - well in 8 years time when I leave. I guess the money wouldn't matter as much with a full time pension. Don't know how welcome I'd be though having seen the coverage of the NUT conference?!

Have a good holiday.

Annie said...

Hey, US. Nobody in their right minds goes into teaching for the money, but it’s getting to the point where teachers (and all the other public sector workers) are struggling to keep their heads above the water. They’re not greedy, they just want a living wage. (I’m sure this is a familiar story in the armed forces too.) I’d say join us, but the way things are going I may not be working alongside you in 8 years…

Aw, it’s not that teachers don’t respect soldiers, but nobody really likes the idea of their students leaving school and going into a job where there is a high risk of their being killed (a higher risk than if they went into marketing, say, or horticulture…)

What does this country have the highest success rate with? What do we export all over the world? What are we the best at? Fashion, design, music… curious how the government doesn’t encourage fashion designers, architects, pop stars to go on recruitment drives in school though, hey?

llewtrah said...

oh noes! Lolcats grammar has infiltrated the curriculum!