Monday, May 29, 2006

How to write erotic fiction: advice for Anais Nin

1. Avoid the word 'truncheon'. It's a mood-killer.

Any other words to avoid, or other advice? Post 'em in the comments box.


Katy Newton said...

If you do speak to Anais, could you ask her to hold off on the young boys having sex with recently drowned dead girls? It is not sexy, but disgusting and wrong. I thank you.

Tim F said...

Words and phrases that dispell any erotic subtext.

1. "Tax return"

2. "Cockroach"

3. "Swindon"

4. "Chronic faecal impaction"

5. "Grouting"

6. "Anthony Worrall-Thompson, while drunk and tumescent"

Annie said...

Katy - eeeeuuuwww!!! *Drops book in disgust*

Tim - Tax return - hmmmm - some women have fantasies about tax inspectors. Not me, you understand, but some. Did you never see Samantha in Sex and the City? "50 million dollars - I don't have that kind of money - how can I ever repay you?"

Agreed on the others. 6 is worse than 4.

David said...

Avoid the word 'Roger' oh and 'Flange' and possibly 'Cock' (I keep thinking of Chickens)

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find that adding the word 'love' in front of truncheon will make for a smashing ice-breaker! :D

Katy Newton said...

Are you reading "Delta of Venus"? If you are, that's the whole young boy/drowned girl thing.

I feel that Anais needed a proofreader who was not Henry Miller.

Alda said...

I second Katy. I also found the pedophile story (guy with bird cage, if I recall correctly, gets little girls up to his flat to play 'catch the dick under the blanket') totally repulsive.

Oh, and there was also the story featuring the German Shepherd. Ew.

So do we agree that dear old Anais had 'issues'?

Annie said...

Greavsie - especially within the same sentence. What is 'flange'? On second thoughts, I don't want to know.

Rad, you're too suave. ;-)

That's the one Katy - though not reading so much as skimming. Not at all in an infantile giggly school-girl looking-for-smut kind of way, of course. (Tee hee! She said "member"!)

Alda - YIKES! That is repulsive. Though to be fair to old Anais I believe she was being paid a dollar a page to write it for a collector and was trying to cater for all tastes.

Wyndham said...

She went out with Gore Vidal. That's definitely a girl with issues.

Anonymous said...

Who is "Anais Nin", clearly I'm missing something.

I'd like to volunteer "monkey wrench" though ...

Annie said...

Wyndham, I'm getting worried about your obsession with Gore. Are you sure he went out with her? Didn't he like boys or something...?

Adrian, she was a French writer of erotic fiction in the 40s who hung out with lots of other famous writers (when they're French, it's called erotica not porn for some reason, they're so sophisticated those French.)

Monkey wrench - ouch!

Wyndham said...

Annie, this, I can assure you, will be the last time I mention Gore - but it's true, Nin and Gore were a couple when he was but a young man. He is, as you can imagine, very arch about her in his memoirs. She seemed a bit of a nutcase, as the rest of these comments seem to confirm.

Dan Flynn said...


I've always found the word 'plunge' risque. And Jehosaphat (with a 'ph' not an 'f') always made me nervous. Howzabout encephalopathy, I know it's a serious brain condition but somehow it reminds me of cantering horses. Melancholy should be a happy word but oddly it aint. A raisin should be a tiny hair bunch. Whereas rebarbative should only be served beneath a layer of crumble soaked in custard. Finally, I've often considered 'mulch' to be overated.

Annie said...

Wyndham, that Gore, he was shameless, just pay him a compliment and he was anyone's.

Dan - plunge... mulch... is it hot in here or is it me? Just off for a cold shower.

Quink said...

The word "nappy" in absolutely any context whatsoever...

Annie said...

Good call, Quink *shudder*

Anonymous said...

I saw an photo documentary once about men who found that being dressed in nappies and treated like babies was their sexual fantasy... they were all like "yeah, nappies".

I love Anais' diaries. Admittedly, her erotica does show a very distinct influence of the kind of "liberated psycho analytical acceptance of sexual thoughts" of the time. That and the need to produce enough writing to feed herself and her menagerie.

Annie said...

Oh Sar, that's done it. I dread to see what riff-raff are going to be brought here by those search terms...

Unknown said...

- donald rumsfeld
- rear wheels
- smog

not sure of anais nin, french ain't never really my thing..