Friday, May 19, 2006

Idiot box

I hate television. When I lived in Spain we didn't have one for a long while and I missed it powerfully, though we were lucky enough to have a fantastic arthouse cinema in our very street which showed version original (ie, not dubbed) foreign language movies. I saw a lot of films.

Then we got a TV, without benefit of satellite, showing only Spanish or Catalan channels, which are stuck in the seventies. Gameshows. Chatshows. Very, very, dull political programmes. Some of our friends used to get people to tape the soaps and send them out.

(Though I would rather stick pins in my eyes than sit through a soap. For me they're a claustrophobic, never-ending nightmare. Look at the features of the gothic novel. Endless grimness? No possibility of escape? Sub-plots involving incest? Liminal creatures, between two states - eg dead/living, human/animal? Death, disease, destruction? If Edgar Allen Poe was writing today he'd be an Eastenders script-writer. Except he could really write. )

When I moved back to London, I watched TV all the time. But something seemed to have happened in the two years I was gone, there seemed to be a lot of shows with the lowest common denominator. They had cheap production values, they seemed to thrive on taking ordinary people and making them look like arses. More and more you saw "reality" shows taking over where once there were dramas or documentaries or comedies. The cruder, the cheaper, the nastier, the better. Couldn't tell if it was just a reflection of what was going on in general in the UK or was just a cost-cutting exercise. Whatever, it had suddenly shown a really ugly streak.

So I've fallen out of love with the TV, now an evening of watching it makes me feel down. And Sar, before you pop up in the comments to point out we spent a Saturday evening glued to the box, that was a FILM, it's different.

What do you watch?


Anonymous said...

I love TV. It's such a great gear shift from the day.

I watch (currently)
The Daily Show
Malcom in the middle
Grey Anatomy
Cold Case
Battle Star Galactica
Doctor Who
Friday Night with Jonothan Ross

and of course movies and sport

Anonymous said...

Annie! How can you not like The Apprentice!
Invasion! Lost!
I agree about Friday night with JR! Phil and Kirsty - Location, Location, Location! Suzanna and Trinny! Simpsons!
I do agree about the soaps these days. Eastenders is dire.

I do remember you HAVING to watch Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Miss Black!

Bad Sarah

Anonymous said...

I watch (fairly religiously):

The Apprentice (the British one)
The Simpsons (naturally)
American Chopper
Top Gear

And various Ducumentaries, dramas and comedy produced by Irish companies on Irish TV.

I do not, under any circumstances, watch Big Brother.

Cream said...

Last night I watched Arsenal V Barcelona...University Challenge on Monday...
At the moment, I am out of love with the telly...Nothing really worth watching...

Sorry, peeps, no time to waste!

Annie said...

ER, House,Grey's Anatomy...Bones,Cold Case... Adrian you're worse than my sister for the blood and gore. Movies and sport are acceptable. Except for the sport.

Sssh, Bad Sar, I want my readers to think I'm intellectual. Anyway, it's all about planning how you'd spend the money...

What's American Chopper Matt? Not a cookery show, I'm guessing.

Cream, ah poor Arsenal. (Really I don't care about Arsenal, I just don't like to see Thierry Henry look sad.) I don't know how you'd have the time to watch TV Cream.

DCveR said...

TV... oh, yes, that monitor like thingy where I watch DVDs. If it weren't for the fact GH does love TV I wouldn't have cable.

Dave said...

Just give me films, sport and good documentaries, although I am a fan of Time Team.

Soaps are not only bad, if you start watching and become involved you end up virtually doing nothing else other than watching the box.

Summers the time for being out and about, winters for reading.

Mike said...

I don't like TV either. I'm ashamed to admit that I do watch a few shows regularly though.

House and 24 are my only guilty pleasures from what the big networks have to offer. And I could live without 24.

Then there's Monk, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Top Gear, and anything that doesn't contribute to the decay of my brain.

And Seinfeld reruns, of course.

Anonymous said...

Actually throw in 24 and lost.

Actually I hide behind my hands during the blood and gore bits. I'm probably a bigger girl than your sister.

And what's wrong with sports (think hunky men*)

* For you that is

Annie said...

Hi Dave M! Time Team - there's an irony in having them race against time though, seeing as archaeology is about old stuff that's been buried for years. What's the hurry, it's not going anywhere?

Viking, everyone whose opinion I respect watches 24, must watch it sometime.

My mind drifts off watching sport Adrian. Probably something to do with being picked last to be on the school sports teams. Yes, we do like the hunky men. But on TV they have this irritating habit of pulling the camera back to a wide shot so you can see the game, instead of focussing on their muscly legs as one would prefer.

Anonymous said...

I have 24 on DVD if you want to borrow.

The other think you need to enjoy sport, is a vested interest. You need a team you want to win.

I was also picked last.

Annie said...

Thanks, I will, soon as we get a DVD player. Mine (on my computer) is bust. Electrical equipment doesn't like me at the moment.

Yeah, I blame it on my dad, he never took us to football matches cos we're girls. How else do you choose a team? Who's your team?

Anonymous said...

My team is Liverpool. When you watch TV with mates you either pick the team your mates back or you pick the team they hated. Two of my good mates backed Liverpool, so I landed up doing so too.

You going to watch the world cup?

Annie said...

Sure. Resistance is useless with the world cup.