Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What do my bookshelves say about me?

They say "she never dusts, that lazy slut."

This is taken from the lovely Rockit. But there's a problem - see how many bookshelves there are? And this is just a few of them. We could be here forever.

A lot of these are L's, some are mine. (The red and black colourscheme was here when we moved in and not of our choosing, what with all the books it's sometimes like living in a branch of Waterstones.)

Yoda is not mine. Nor the light sabre. Neither is the 'drinks cabinet'. Bet you'd rather hear about them than the books right?

No matter. If you want any of these, as usual, say the word.

Click on photo to see notes

What do my books say about me?


Alda said...

I was going to mention the drinks cabinet, but you beat me to it. It does add a certain mystique. Or something. ;)

DraconianOne said...

It does tell me that you may not own a DVD player and that you watch a lot of Buffy.

And "Happy Hangover"?

Anonymous said...

Could I have Toast, the Courtney Love biog and The Liar's Club please? Too greedy?? You can ration me if you like but I'm so book starved....

Will collect in July if that's ok...

ta xxx

Anonymous said...

My lightsaber's bigger than yours! :p

David said...

I'm finding James Shapiro's 1599 - A year in the life of William Shakespeare quite an interesting read at the moment.

Tim F said...

Is that Lost In Music by Giles Smith I see? A hugely underrated memoir of not-quite-pop-stardom by the ex-Cleaner from Venus. It was overshadowed when it came out by High Fidelity and the like. I was particularly impressed by how he managed to turn his cancer diagnosis into a statement of transcendental kinship with the mighty Martin Fry out of ABC.

Anonymous said...

I really, really, REALLY want to do this meme, but my pictures would be of boxes, which you'd have to take my word for are filled with many interesting books.

Maybe in a month or six.

Annie said...

Alda, you mean it makes us look decadent and sophisticated, right?

Ah Tom, DVDs, it's a long story. We have an ancient telly which is hooked up to an old video recorder and a sky box in a vastly complicated arrangments of cables. I think I've now over-dosed on Buffy. You have eagle eyes Tom. Happy Hangover was a birthday card for L.

Course you can Em, in fact I insist that you take Cherry too, it's even better than the Liar's Club and is a kind of sequel. I remember the English book drought in Barcelona - isn't there a new (secondhand) English bookshop in Gracia now?

Rad, tch, typical boy. Yoda would tell you, it's not how big it is, it's what you do with it. (Except backwards.)

Greavsie, good recommendation because I've never read any biographies & know next to nothing about him. Where to start...

Tim, couldn't agree more. I don't like Nick Hornby at all and don't think he can write about music well (I know it's not easy.) Lost in Music's the best I've ever read on music.

Aw, Matt - we'll be waiting. (I usually sell/give away my books so's not to have to move them...)

DCveR said...

My bookshelves are now empty, all books are packed and STILL waiting for the big move... Funny, of the books you've made notes on the only one I've got is The Naked Lunch.

Anonymous said...

Many many many thanks Annie, all books gratefully recieved, especially with a long hot summer of doing nothing streatching ahead of me (I´ve gone through the other books you gave me, especially liked "Frankie & Stankie" - Barbara Trapido). It´s not so much that there aren´t any books in my flat, they´re just all about Spanish 2nd divison football, Lance Armstrong and 80´s electronic music - boyfriends, eh - who´d 'ave 'em, tsk....

There is a new secondhand bookshop in Gracia, but it´s closed on Mondays (ie the day I tried to go, bah), will try again. And wholeheartedly agree with you about Nick Hornby - dire.

Anonymous said...

You had me at slut.

Annie said...

Dcver, everybody seems to be moving house - you, Little Red Boat Anna, Life Without Toast Matt - it's all go...

Em, you haven't read the second division Spanish football books? Think what you're missing!

Adrian, only a slut in the sense of 'never does any cleaning', sadly. Chance would be a fine thing.