Tuesday, May 02, 2006


It struck me when reading other people's blogs that I hardly ever look at their link lists but this is more because it sometimes feels like gatecrashing a private party than because I'm not interested. I'd be failing in my duties as a hostess if I didn't introduce people. So here goes, from top to bottom. Get clicking...

A Beautiful Revolution is Andre - very talented cartoonist/photographer, writes about depression and makes it funny, which is not easy.

Base 13 is Mike in Philadelphia, coffee afficionado and Viking. His girl is in Brazil, but they're getting together soon. So romantic.

Chase Me Ladies is Harry Hutton, so sharp he could cut himself. I daren't leave a comment.

Cultural Snow is Tim Footman, a real proper published writer who is in Bangkok. It's pop culture to die for, plus Thailand, what more could you ask for?

Dan Flynn's blog is by, what do you know, Dan Flynn, in Manchester. He writes the best surreal posts you've ever read. Just don't mention cats in the comments.

Diamond Geezer writes all about London, a subject close to my heart. And he's a real facts and figures boy.

Dies Israe is Ivan the Terrible, an Englishman in North Carolina who's very good on politics, in a sarcastic way.

Everything is Electric is Katy in London, very very funny, especially on dating. She does it so I don't have to.

Girl With A One Track Mind in London, writes about sex & relationships, beautifully.

Greavsie in Blogland
- Greavsie - where are you Greavsie? I don't know. Maybe it's a secret. He writes about the day to day stuff and is very funny (must find a new word apart from funny. Are we sensing a theme here?)

Guyana Gyal - the lovely GG writes about life in Guyana, she's a poet and if there's any justice in the world will get a book deal soon.

House of D Destructor of the ever-changing blog name, from New Zealand and living in London. Gives good links and has written a novel online, so hats off to him.

JonnyB lives in a village in Norfolk. Do I need to say more?

Karma's Drum is Rad in Norwich. He likes Star Wars and comics, and his language is foul and makes me laugh.

Life Without Toast is by Matt in Dublin. He is absolute master of the links - go and vote for him when he next storms Google Idol!

Little Red Boat is Anna, currently of London and soon to be of Brighton. She is Queen of the Bloggers in my book, very talented and funn- amusing. She also writes for the Guardian but her blog is absolutely free!

Mimi in New York is from Wales, she works as a stripper to pay her way to train as a yoga teacher. Harsh but very intriguing.

Mini-Obs is Nat in New England. Like music? You'll love Nat's site, lots of free music links and memes.

My Boyfriend is a Twat
is Zoe in Belgium. It's like a soap opera written by Dali.

Pandemian written by Jack in London, who used to be called Green Fairy. The first blog I ever came across, she is an amazing writer.

Pixeldiva is by Ann in London, her site is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Really, go and look at it, it's unique. Great photography. And knitting.

Quinquireme is by Patroclus in London, my newest link so I'm getting to know her site. But I like her style...

Quixotic Evil
is by Matthew in Ipswich. Must confess, I don't understand a lot of his posts but those more technically minded than me (ie, everyone) will. I like the other posts though.

Rise is Karen (not sure of location) Karen and Pete used to have a blog called Uborka. Now they have a baby on the way, aaah!

Rockit is Natalie in London, Natalie are you from South Africa? (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) She has fine taste in music and is about to move into her own place, lucky Natalie...

Sevitz is the one and only Adrian Sevitz, from South Africa and in *whisper* South London but we won't hold that against him. He is witty. And techie. He's one of the few bloggers I've met so my theory is he's the only one that really exists.

is Cream - his profile says he's in Algiers, but I think he's really in Newcastle. I'd like to visit his restaurant. He writes about food in a way that's inspiring even to "can't cook won't cook" people like me, and his blog always gives me a lift. Plus he has a foodie blog and an illustration blog - he's a one man publishing empire.

Shyha is in Poland, I love his photography. Particularly the photo of the hedgehog. But not the photo of the doll. It's enough to give you nightmares.

Status Anxiety has gone awol :-( It's a pity, because she writes about the thoughts you have that most people are not honest enough to publish. Maybe she'll be back.

The Iceland Weather Report
is Alda Kalda in Iceland (or Niceland if you prefer), not ONLY about the weather, also all about life in the land of the geysers, which is fascinating. Alda is fabulous.

There Goes A Tenner is by Ghoghghoti in London, an old friend, great insightful writing when she does write. (We were introduced age about 14. "I wish you two would talk to each other" said the extrovert friend who introduced us, both not so extrovert back then. So we did.)

Trajectory is Dave in Barcelona, another friend. He has a boy's dream job and has forgotten more about music than I'll ever know.

Troubled Diva is Mike in Nottingham, a total star. He is incredibly prolific, loves music, if you start reading anywhere go for the 40 in 40 days posts which are autobiographical and a tour de force of writing.

Twilight Zone
is Dcver in Portugal, he writes thoughtful posts on all sorts and always makes me think.

Universal Soldier of mystery location, tells us how it is in the army. And he gets up very early.

Vitriolica is also in Portugal, she is a ridiculously talented artist, oh to have her skill in drawing. Her blog makes me laugh because her drawings of Portuguese folks remind me so strongly of the Spanish.

Wyndham the Triffid
in North London (yay!) My first ever reader, I got lucky because his is one of my favourites
too. Books. Lots of books. And misanthropy.

Right, I am off to find some Indian blogs as this continent is underrepresented in my link list.
Go to it! Mingle, network...


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's the best way of doing a blog roll I have seen. Hats off.

And you have met Dan too, so that's two bloggers you have met, although in fairness Dan is really just a figment of my imagination, and I am the only one who is really real.

Anonymous said...

I'm real too, I swear. There's no way robots could come up with some of the shit I do.
Currently looking for inspiration re Google Idol. Current favourite is 'Dub Be Good To Me', but I'm not so sure. Anyone got any other good ideas?

Alda said...

Fantastic! Annie - you have some of the BEST ideas for blog posts. And this is definitely one of them.

Thanks for the lovely words. Love Zoe BTS: 'a soap opera written by Dali'. How very apt. lol

Alda said...

Um, that was supposed to be BTW.

DC said...

Do I often go on about getting up early? And I'm real too.

David said...

*puts on Romeo tights*

Greavsie [Aside.]:
Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

I'm in Lahndan, innit.

patroclus said...

Oo, what a very great idea. Meta indeed. I'm always mingling with Wyndham, through whom I found you, and with Tim F, but it looks like there's lots of other top blogs here to check out. Oo, and I like your style too! Ahhhh.

Lucy P said...

that's the bestest blogroll ever.

and I'm real too.


Unknown said...

jakarta? Tim doesn't count... he's too far away..

and btw, i think everyone should do this with their blogroll.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Aww, thanks for the kind words Annie.

I used to be able to read lots of blogs real fast but my ISP got slow, real slowwww :-(

Here's a blogger in India, a woman doctor working in the rural areas

Some great insights into the lives of women there.

Anonymous said...

Now I went and visited GG long before you did this meta, and I really liked her place too. But I'm lazy as 'insert swear word here' and didn't get around to linking it. For the same reason I've still not added Mr Paul Rainey's Book of Lists www.bookoflists.com to my blogroll, though I keep meaning to. It's not a blog, it's cartoons, comics even. And it's as real, and as funny as 'insert swearword beginning with F here'. So, what's a meta within a meta? :D

Oh and Annie? Ipod? What's the dillio?

Dan Flynn said...

Annie darling,

Such a sweetie, mwah, mwah. Thanks vm for your kind words


Katy Newton said...

Ooh! Good thinking, Annie.

*attempts to un-wedge swollen head from door*

I am sorely tempted to pinch this idea, actually, because I haven't had any interesting* dates recently.


Anonymous said...

Annie, you are right, I just went and read Katy's blog and it is very funny.

This is definately the way to do blog rolls, I haven't blog hopped in ages.

Then again I don't really do blog rolls. I should though.

Anonymous said...

Muchas Gracias !!!

Annie said...

Thanks, all!

Adrian, you're right, sorry to Dan. I can verify that he really exists, as does Natalie. And well done for following Katy's link, that's the general idea.

Matt, I would pay good money to see you do Dub Be Good To Me. Will think hard about other good songs for you to do.

Alda, thank you *blush*. My best ideas come to me in the bath...

Thank you for the link GG - will check it out pronto. I have a fast connection but find work gets in the way of my blog reading, bah.

US, no no no - just that you're usually my first visitor of the day.

Greavsie - my word. There's something about a man in tights...

Cheers for the link Rad. Keep 'em coming. And the iPod - I visited the Apple shop as advised, but the Genius bar was all booked up with frustrated iPod owners. Will try again, and definitely will update you when I do.

You're so welcome Dan.

Go for it Katy! Share the linking love. Sorry you haven't had any catastrophic dates recently. Hold on, that's not what I meant...

Andre, de nada, guapo.

Annie said...

Oops Natalie, missed you there. Sssh, careful, they might revoke your passport if you confess to not liking the rugby. Steal away!

Annie said...

And Patroclus, Vitriolica and Treespotter. Apologies, I'm rubbish at this blogging thing.

Patroclus, you meet the best people round Wyndham's place.

Hurray for Vitriolica! Welcome! Vit, I would say you are hyper-real - aren't there in fact 3 of you?

Hi Treespotter! Me and Ghoghghoti are fans of yours.

Cream said...

Annie, that was a kind description! Thanks!
Yes, originally from Algeria but 30 years in the North East as an honorary Geordie-Mackam-Poolie...
And whenever you're about, make sure you get in touch!

DCveR said...

Thanks Annie! Great idea, guess we all should this sometime!

Annie said...

Cream, I certainly will!

Hurrah for Anna! I'm prepared to believe you're real if Adrian says so... Anna, you are the Queen and deserve a lovely shiny sparkly tiara.

Elections... my kids came into school on Friday going "Miss, miss, I went with my dad to vote for Respect! Did you vote for Respect?" Scary. Bow is their stronghold.

You're welcome Dcver - cool, I think link lists are underused...

Anonymous said...

Anna is most definitely real. And way cooler than that pretender in Windsor.

Mike said...

Oops, I'm late for the party!

Great idea :) And coincidentally I updated my links this week. You can now find yourself among my Word People ;)