Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Easily led

'Did the campus killer copy this film?'

Funny, I saw the Sound of Music many, many times - every Christmas, for years and years - you could even call it indoctrination, yet strangely it never inspired me to become a nun, or run up mountains whilst singing lustily.


Billy said...

As long as you weren't tempted to marry Christopher Plummer and resign yourself to a lifetime of his "interesting" lip-synching.

Betty said...

I've not become a nun, but The Sound Of Music has influenced me to make all my own clothes from curtains.

Timbo said...

Yes, if anyone has seen Old Boy (I'm assuming that's what the quote was in reference to) then they'd know that this statement/question is utter toss.

We see the same thing every blimmin' time something like this happens. It somehow makes it easier to swallow a random act derived from human frailty if we can blame it on someone.

I hate being a human sometimes.

AND I've never seen The Sound Of Music.

violet said...

Star Wars certainly inspired my career as a rebel fighter pilot in a galaxy far, far away.

(Meanwhile in real life, I would like to distance myself and my job choice as far from Steve Coogan's The Parole Officer as possible)

Tim F said...

1. Killer was Korean.

2. Here is a violent Korean film.

3. QED.

Jesus wept...

Annie said...

Billy, you mean that wasn't his touching rendition of Edelweiss? Nooooooooo...!

Betty - campest scene in the entire history of cinema?

Timbo, you are missing out... there's laughter, there's tears, there's Nazis, there's puppetry, there's Julie Andrews in her finest hour...

Violet, must confess, I hate Steve Coogan and all his works.

Tim, right, and America is so very peaceful and non-violent.

rockmother said...

Yes - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang inspired me to invent the first ever flying car!

rockmother said...

On a more sombre note - both the American educational and police system should be held entirely accountable for all of the deaths and woundings at Virginia. That young man was clearly extremely mentally ill - he was failed on each account for a very long time with inevitably tragic and catastrophic consequences. Should we be more surprised? Look who they have in power - George W Bush. A lying, clearly inept and deluded recovering alcoholic with no compassion for humanity whatsoever.

Mangonel said...

Damn. I really wanted to make some flip comment about the sound of music and JUMPING CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER'S BONES but now I have to nod solemnly and murmur 'how true, RM, how true . . .'

patroclus said...

When I saw Ghostbusters I really, really, really wanted to be Dr Egon Spengler. It's a wonder I haven't turned to a life of collecting spores, moulds and fungus.

Annie said...

I wanted to be the Gatekeeper

llewtrah said...

I have always managed to avoid The Sound of Music. A f*cking hate the bl**dy music due to the class having to perform it at primary school.

I wanted to be a pathologist after watching lots of episodes of Quincy. I worked in a path lab but the dire pay persuaded me that engineering was a far better option unless I wanted to live in a wooden crate in the hospital car park.

Annie said...

RoMo, I know - I only steer away from politics because if I thought about Bush etc too deeply, I'd be very scared indeed...

Mangonel, Christopher Plummer? Okay, I can see that - but with 10 kids in tow...?

Patroclus, you missed your calling as a scientist/engineer/code-breaker, clearly...

Annie, I fancied Bill Murray, shhhh, don't tell...

Llewtrah, yes us primary teachers have to be careful we don't scar kids for life. A pathologist! Just the other day we were watching Cold Case going 'what makes people want to do that job?'