Friday, April 27, 2007

Shop with Slaminsky

Occasionally on my travels I will see odd random items in the shops that I am powerfully drawn towards buying, for no reason other than they tickle me in some way.

So far I've held back because I think 'I do not need this useless stuff, plus I am poor and trying to buy a house' but then today I had this cheering thought - 'If I buy it, I can blog about this useless stuff! People will love to see it!' (Which just shows, our brains are very clever at seeking out reasons to do things that we know logically we have no good reason to do. Stupid human brains.)

So, *drumroll* today is the first in an occasional series of odd random items I have found. (I justified this one by thinking maybe I can use them in school sometime. I might claim them back on our class budget - shhhhhh...)

A whole bag full of eyes, available for a mere £1.00 from Paperchase. Not only useful, but extremely good value, I think you'll find.

This post dedicated to my dear friend V, who as we speak is about to go off to make a zombie movie, in Poland. Attagirl!


Rad said...

Excellent. Stick em over the eyes of people on ad posters. :D

Timbo said...

That's not useless tat, that's joyously wonderful gubbins I think you'll find.

Anonymous said...

Here´s "LOOKING" at you, kid!

Might I be allowed to contribute to this occasional series from Spain? I´m sure I can throw in some gruesome Saints and badly translated t-shirts into the pot (who can forget the vest we saw with "Get off of my Mouse Trap!" proudly emblazoned upon?

Annie said...

Rad, genius!! I never thought of that.

Timbo, you clearly are a man of excellent taste.

Em, I beg you to! I've been asking you to guest on here for aeons, I'd love it! Spanish pound (euro) shops are the finest in the world...

Atomic Ephemera said...

Aaaaah! I did the very same thing not two weeks ago; was lured into a cehap book cum stationary shop and left with a packet of googly eyes and a packet of multicoloured pom poms. Had no idea why I bought them or what to do with them until I hit upon a genius idea. Now half of London is sporting these mysterious, brightly coloured single cell organisms with one eye...

Anxious said...

Paperchase is like that. It lures you in. I'm lucky we don't have one down here because I'd be penniless.

Bowleserised said...

'If I buy it, I can blog about this useless stuff! People will love to see it!'

How many things have I bought for the exact same reason....

Please now make a blog feature of sticking the googly eyes on adverts and photographing them. That would be marvellous! Perhaps we can start a movement? I'll get started in Berlin...

Taiga the Fox said...

I've got a packet of googly eyes, too! I'll get started in Helsinki...

Anonymous said...

Hey Slammers, just got a go on the internet and swung by your site. I was very impressed by the bag of eyes and thought that's right up my alley. Then, when I saw it was dedicated to me (laws of probability allow me to assume this) I was touched and impressed at your ever faultless perception. You are very renown in certain circles for your excellent eye when shopping).

Forgive my spelling I'm losing my English day by day. Yeah, and the Zombies are not just in the script they're running the production. Love Poland, though, it's great. Under other circumstances...

Cream said...

Eye, eye, Captain Annie!

Billy said...

I avoid going into paperchase with money as I only end up buying things like those eyes.


Annie said...

Jack, I love it. Guerilla pompom street art...

Anxious, right - this is one of the benefits of working in the arse end of east London, when I worked in the West End & was surrounded by shops, it was hard to resist.

Bowleserised, Taiga - yes yes yes! let's do it!

Hi V! So pleased you dropped in from your Polish movie set... Hope they are not driving you too mad, I can't wait to hear about it.

Cream, I missed your puns.

Billy, they think they're for kids, if only they realised they could exploit us adults too.