Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fed up and sulking

... And not just about my bad hair day. If a picture paints a thousand words...


Anonymous said...

Annie, ¿quĂ© pasa? What´s wrong honey-pie? Why the rage and pouting? You do look very sexy by the way!! In a french movie star kind of why...

LC said...

I dunno - the wild hair is kind of sexay.

Annie said...

Aww, thanks Em. That is consoling. (so long as it’s not Gerard Depardieu.) I HAVE HAD A COLD AND A COUGH FOR 2 WHOLE MONTHS, THAT'S WHY, AND NOW I AM DEAF IN ONE EAR!! The doctor said there’s nothing to be done. Fed up.

(And ironically my masterplan is finally coming together, but I can’t do networky schmoozy meetings with people when I can’t HEAR them, bah!)

Thanks, LC. This is a relatively calm day, usually it looks like I've just had electric shock treatment.

the whales said...

Good pouting and strop, Annie!

I'm also fed up and sulking. Bloody work!

Dan Flynn said...


I look at the photo and think, hey who's the cool bohemian with the groovy camera?

I shall always remember you this way. Sigh.


Annie said...

The Whales, join me in my strop, it's very liberating.

Cheers Dan - that's generous (and it's not as groovy as your camera.)

Anonymous said...

The wind'll change y'know ;-)

Rad said...

Hahahahaha that's a fucking great picture missus! :D

Dan Flynn said...

Now now Annie, let's not get caught in that ol' "my that's quite a camera you've got in your hand. Oh, it's not your hand" manly comparison thing. Urf urf...

Alda said...

I want the name of your hairstylist!

llewtrah said...

Surely the doctor said a bit more than that about the deafness? Presumably it will resolve itself? I went nearly deaf for a couple of days after a cold and it really frustrated me.

Annie said...

Greavsie, it's too late for that warning now...

Thanks Rad, it was strangely therapeutic!

Dan, I could never compete when it comes to a big old zoom lens etc...

Ah, Alda, I'm touched. I'll let you into a secret - my 'coiffure' is down to not owning a brush. It's the 'just got up' look...

Llewtrah, she won't syringe it as I have a cold, in case it damages my ear or's been a week and it's driving me crazy!