Friday, March 14, 2008

the £2.00 pub

I’m coming around to the £2.00 pub. It’s true, the legless and toothless still accost you on the way to the toilets, but they also look at you as if you were Sofia Loren, Halle Berry & Scarlett Johansson rolled into one. And I’m fully drunken on (medicinal) whisky doubles at £2.00 a shot, probably cheaper than buying a whole bottle from Londis…

On the way home on the bus I while away the journey playing ‘would he rather shag them or me’ with my fellow commuters. That bloke there, with the combover, honking into a paper handkerchief – I’m pretty sure he’d choose me, now. Hah, in your face, combover man! Still, what about that cute 20 something chick in the boots reading London Lite? Suddenly my whisky high ebbs away.


Del said...

Where is this mythical pub? Is it a skanky Wetherspoons? When I first moved to London, and was skint, me and my mates lived in the one in Camden... Happy days.

Billy said...

Sounds like a wetherspoon. Even in Hounslow it isn't that cheap.

Tim F said...

Annie, you make Sofia Loren, Halle Berry & Scarlett Johansson look like Bella Emberg's uglier sister.

Anonymous said...

Of course he'd choose you, whoever he is. And Tim is spot on too. And does any of these three women have your character? Do they buggery!

rockmother said...

At least you haven't been in Camden and procured a kebab which you have kept in it's stripey plastic bag until you got home a whole 2 hours later (don't ask!) and proceeded to eat it. On a lighter note - I am so glad Shannon has been found alive. Something not quite right with that family I think..

rockmother said...

PS: you are gorgeous and don't you forget it! x

Annie said...

Ah, the lovely bloggers...

RoMo, mmm, cold kebab... Shannon was a topic of a conversation in the pub too. 'The uncle had kept her in a cellar.' 'Was he a nonce?'

I think it is bizarre that the media did not go to town on that story. Surely it can't be because she was working class (and Maddie's family middle class) as people were suggesting?

Annie said...

Del, it would make Wetherspoons seem slick and sophisticated. It's in Bow.

Annie said...

Marsha - ah. I was imagining who my crush would prefer - me or the man with the combover. It wasn't very clear, but then I was pissed when I wrote it. (Don't hold out much hope to be honest, as I believe he is already spoken for...)

Anonymous said...

Oh no. Bad luck. Hopefully they'll have an irreconcilable difference any minute now and he'll come and proffer his cheek for licking.