Monday, March 03, 2008


I'm talking to P about catching up with old friends.

'W got in touch on Facebook. He said 'Let's go out and pull birds. Shhhh....'
I was like, ohhh no... It is a myth, a total myth, that two men ever go out together and pull, it just never, ever, happens. (Except maybe somewhere up North where they're really hard and copping off at the end of the night is just a given... like in Rita Sue and Bob Too, where they all go out in the car... But definitely not in London.) And even by some rare chance, if one of you does meet someone, then the other one just sits there looking at her friend, and you and the friend are like, so what are we meant to do now, while their friends are getting off with each other...

Is he right, do you reckon?


Anonymous said...

That is such a loser thing to say. God - what is he like 16?

Billy said...

If someone said that to me, I'd laugh in their face. And probably point too.

rockmother said...

I dread to think what his catalogue of chat-up lines are..

Tim F said...

Maybe he's not an inadequate teenage virgin. Maybe he's actually a trainee psychopath, who actually enjoys pulling birds (ie stretching out sparrows on a rack, which is part of miniature torture chamber he's constructed for the purpose).

His only dilemma is how to apply thumbscrews to animals that don't have thumbs.

Istvanski said...

Tim - Or even squashing their heads in a vice for interogation purposes a la Joe Pesci in Casino.

"Where d'ya get da boidseed, tell me, you stoopid f*ck!"

Rosie said...

[is now a little scared of Tim]

maybe he was being sarcastic? deliberately juvenile in recognition of the fact that their conversation was on Facebook?

one hopes.

Anonymous said...

i friggin hate facebook- there's a reason you loose touch with people..facebook is changing the natural order of things! You can't mess with natural order! Its ungodly! Why am I screaming..step away from the facebook..

Del said...

Why, my homeboys and I go cruising most Friday evenings down the local First Leisure club. I like to buy a young lady a Smirnoff Ice and, you know, see if the magic happens... after several more Smirnoff Ices.


Annie said...

Sarah, no, he's our age.

To be fair I'd guess he was being ironic, though only in the words he used. More naughty is what is implied by 'Shhh...'

Hello C! I'm not so keen on F***B**k.

Del, you funny.

Anonymous said...

I think its best to take the expression 'meet some chicks' (as it was) not too literally. In the way that painting the town red would not require turps or brushes, 'meeting chicks' doesn't require any women to be present.

The 'ssh' on the other hand, is less happy.