Monday, March 24, 2008

Geek-fu ii

Who do we like for a) hosting and b) domain names?

Just, like, asking.


LC said... are good - I've used them for various projects over the years and they're a well established, professional outfit.

Del said...

I'm with, and have been for... jeebers, best part of a decade. Sigh, my wasted youth. Anyway, never really had any problems. But I've heard of lots of other people who have, so... who knows.

Annie said...

Ah, merci.

patroclus said...

I'm with Fasthosts for both of those things, and they're actually very good (I say 'actually' because they really pissed me off last Nov, but it turned out it was mostly my fault).

llewtrah said...

I use Amenworld and have a private server (due to high traffic and large website). If you aren't expecting millions of hits daily they also have shared servers.

Tim F said...

I have a little man who lives in my basement with an abacus, an exercise bike and one of those waving cats you get in Japanese restaurants. Does me fine.

Annie said...

I really, really am not expecting millions of hits daily.

Tim, you capitalist swine.