Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Watch this?

There's something very annoying about Alan Yentob but Imagine today is all about the internet and features bloggers, might be interesting... or very annoying...


Rad said...

The most annoying thing is his back to front name!

patroclus said...

Bah, it's on in the middle of the night here. Looks interesting though, thanks Annie. Might watch it for 'research purposes'.

Billy said...

I'm going to forget, and even if I don't its probably going to annoy me, but I've made a note to watch this.

Anonymous said...

It's already in my Sky planner
Worth a look

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching to see what I'm supposed to be doing.

patroclus said...

I went to bed in the end. Did anyone else see it?

Heather said...

I saw it. quite interesting, just said that more and more people are turning their TVs off and spending time on their computer.

Had a few bloggers on, and they talked about Wikipedia, My Space and blogging.

Tim F said...

What exactly is annoying about Alan Yentob? Apart from the fact that his facial hair makes him look as if he's been drawn with a 4B pencil, then partially rubbed out?

Annie said...

I watched it, it wasn't annoying, but utterly unrevealing - who could it have been made for? People who use the internet know all this stuff (RPGs,Myspace, Wikipedia, blogging, the new folk culture etc etc etc) and people who don't, wouldn't be interested.

Tee hee, Tim! This is why he's annoying - apart from his backwards name, as Rad says (though you can't blame him for changing it from Botney) and his half-hearted facial hair - it's like, if a Highly Important TV Executive doesn't hear a tree fall in the forest...

Anonymous said...

His second life avatar was minging though.
The programme was for other bewildered media types who don't understand why all their free lunches are drying up.

Anonymous said...


Didn't watch it. Wonder if kissing AY would take the top layer of skin off. Hmm? Just a thought. Apropos of thinking.

Anonymous said...

Poor grammar there A. What I meant to say was, Wonder if kissing AY would take off the top layer of skin.

Personally, I couldn't kiss a bearded man. Makes me think too much of morris dancers and balloons on sticks. Or is it bladders on sticks? Either way one is still obliged to wonder what goes on in their empty noggins. Maybe they imagine supermen dancing to wicca and attracting the ladies. One thing is certain, they don't see themselves as others see them or else they'd stay in bed, in shame, they'd stay in the bed of shame. And give up beer because they're idiots about that as well.

Yentob wouldn't look out of place in a white shirt with bells strapped to his knee. Bet he's a beer drinker. Bet that beard has a beery smell. Bet that beard would be welcome on weekend afternoons in Wiltshire and Herefordshire. Bet that beard likes cider, rough cider, from Devon and the pounding of backs and those sticks they clack together, and vigorous rubbing with sheep's hide, rough side down...



I'd still not kiss him tho.

Annie said...

Realdoc - ha! It's so true. You can see them all sitting round in the meeting room discussing it so very clearly...

Top class commenting Dan. It's a rollercoaster ride with you... vigorous rubbing with sheep's hide, indeed...

rockmother said...

I thought it was really dull and totally unimaginative for a programme that was part of a series titled Imagine! Imagine falling asleep with your eyes open more likely. A shame - as anyone who didn't know much about blogging would have just been none the wiser. Utter tripe. Really uninformed. Made me cross and it made Yentob look like a twerp which he is constantly trying to get away from being perceived as.

Annie said...

Rockmother, it was a shame and a wasted opportunity - I saw your post... make one, go on, it will be fab!

rockmother said...

I am (4 in fact) - ssshhh - don't tell anyone please.

Annie said...

I commented on your post, but it has disappeared, bah ... include me in!

rockmother said...

Oh no - it's ok I saw it - thanks - that's great. Probably a cache thing! Bloody computers -pah!