Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stood up

Oh well, I didn't like you anyway - d'you hear?


emma said...

What crushing buffoon dares stand you up? How rude!

Tim F said...

If you hear he's been found hanging from a lamp-post in Sidcup with his severed bits and pieces stuffed up his bottom and a bemused expression on his flabby face, you will know Slaminsky's avengers have struck again.

Rad said...

Obviously the man has no eyes. Better off without him mate.

bad sar said...

BOO - BOOOOO!! Fucking rude.

Istvanski said...

Sidcup's too good for him. I detest flakey people - you're better off without him, Annie.
Good luck with your home situation, hang in there.

Annie said...

Just someone who's clearly Not That Into me, Em.

Tim, I have my own ninja army? Nobody told me!

Thank you darling Rad. If only all men were as clear-sighted as you!

Sar, not really rude, just Not That Into me *sigh*

Thanks, Istvanski, on both counts. Where do you reckon the non-flaky ones are hiding, then?

Del said...

I will make you feel better by telling you my similar story of woe.

Got talking to a girl last year outside my work local. Just my type, got on well, asked her out, she gave me her business card with her email on it. I emailed her, we agreed to meet for a drink... No show. At all. Didn't have a number to ring her on. Trudged home and sulked. Then went against my better judgement and emailed her a couple of days later. Again, nothing. Fine then. FINE.

A week or so later I was standing watching Biffy Clyro at the Reading Festival. And very good they were too. Turned to my left, and she was standing next to me. Right next to me in a crowd of thousands. Completely oblivious.

When the band had finished, I smirked at her and said hello. She looked stunned and then gushed apologies about work problems, forgetting to email me back, then feeling guilty that she'd left it too late, blah blah. She practically forced her mobile number on me and insisted we meet up after the festival. I was reluctant, but my mate I was with seemed convinced she was genuine, so I thought I'd give her a chance.

Arranged to meet for another drink with her the following week. This time she did turn up, but only to tell me that she couldn't come out because her friend had just lost his job(??) and she was "sort of" seeing someone else (?!) and didn't want to mess me about as her ex had cheated on her for 6 months (!!)

At this point alarm bells were going off in my head very loudly. (And I noticed she had rather weird large teeth anyway.) So I made my excuses and got the hell out of there.

The crazies are everywhere, I tell you. Anyone who stands you up has real issues and doesn't deserve your attention. Better to wait for someone who treats people with respect.

Istvanski said...

If I knew where all the single non-flakes were, I'd get them to sign up to my new online dating venture at

Del - Blimey mate. Count yourself lucky and I totally agree with what you said in your last paragraph.

Annie said...

Del - Jesus! Now that is ridiculously flaky! You're right hon, it did make me feel better. And the teeth thing made me laugh.

Istvanski, good idea, maybe I should set up that website.