Tuesday, June 26, 2007

the S word

Bernard: You hated school, you had a miserable time.
Fran: I never said that.
Bernard: No, but I look at your life now and work backwards from that.

What were you like at school?


Matt said...

I was a nerdy bookish type, and then I started smoking and experimenting with cannabis and mushrooms, and turned into a mentalist.

You can see where I am now as "somewhere in between".

DCveR said...

Best of the class 'til I reached high school. Then the competition got tighter cuz we had a really outstanding class, about twelve of us would frequently have similar grades. That dozen or so of us still meet every now and then.

Tim F said...

I disliked school, overall. The academic side was OK-ish, but the petty regimentation depressed me. Worst of all was that 90% of my fellow pupils were miniature golf club bores.

Anxious said...

I was teacher's pet, always top of the class or thereabouts, but not in a nerdy way, I was actually quite popular too.

When I first went to secondary school, I was called "posh" and "boffin" because I knew my times tables, but then they got to know me and realised I was quite nice.

I was the class plait-maker - used to do corn-rows on everyone (it was a girls' school)

Rad said...

Skinnier, and shorter too.

Anonymous said...

Me too - skinnier.

I was a prom queen.

I shagged lots of boys and smoked. I joined drama and became arty. I did a lot of acid and only until the last year of highschool paid attention and got decent grades.

llewtrah said...

1st Primary school - I liked it, but was a bit young to really recall it

2nd Primary school - hated it, very modern ideas and no structure. Confused me - I need structure in order to do well. Loathed it, detested it. Was an outsider in the 6-ish months I was there.

3rd Primary school - traditional, but being a small village school very cliquey. Got bullied. Became serious introvert, but top-performing kid at the school.

Secondary school - fish out of water, lost in a big school. Took ages to adapt. Unable to shake off introverted tendencies. Didn't drink, but smoked (fags & weed) in 6th form. Still got lots of O and A Levels though.

llewtrah said...

1st Primary school - I liked it, but was a bit young to really recall it

2nd Primary school - hated it, very modern ideas and no structure. Confused me - I need structure in order to do well. Loathed it, detested it. Was an outsider in the 6-ish months I was there.

3rd Primary school - traditional, but being a small village school very cliquey. Got bullied. Became serious introvert, but top-performing kid at the school.

Secondary school - fish out of water, lost in a big school. Took ages to adapt. Unable to shake off introverted tendencies. Didn't drink, but smoked (fags & weed) in 6th form. Still got lots of O and A Levels though.

Billy said...

Had a few good teachers but generally rubbish. Still it was better than staying at home.

Anonymous said...

Girly swot in primary, bit of a bunker-offer in secondary and jumped before I was pushed from sixth form. Still, never done me any harm. Look what a great success I am now... (Does your July birthday - getting back to your birthday - fall in the days when you're here?)

Arabella said...

I hated it and truanted as much as possible and got into all the predictable trouble.
Somehow made it to sixth form and enjoyed that.

Quink said...

Happily eccentric at my primary school, oppressed by tedium at the next one.

Annie said...

hello, all - I will answer you properly when I get back from school - BiB my dear, it's on 21st July, I believe I'm coming on the 24th.

patroclus said...

Nerdy, pretentious and looked down upon for not being rich, famous and/or beautiful. Also my mum kept making me have really short hair like a boy's, in contrast with the other girls, who all had long Sloaney manes that they could flick to attract boys.

I kept trying to be moody and 'deep', but always ended up giggling uncontrollably and being really silly.

My favourite thing about school (apart from giggling uncontrollably with Smat) was that I learned DTP and created a comedy newspaper called The Futility. It was great. Well, it was actually shit, but it seemed great at the time.

GreatSheElephant said...

Also Nerdy, pretentious and looked down upon for not being rich, famous and/or beautiful.

Deeply miserable in fact. There are a considerable number of my ex school peers that I would happily take out with a machete and do the time for.

Anonymous said...

I was quiet but eager to please

Annie said...

Matt, it's always the quiet ones...

Dcver, I'd never have guessed.

Tim, intriguing - how did you survive it?

Anx, I went to both girls' school & mixed, & girls' was more fun.

Rad, but still sweary I bet.

Llewtrah - aw, I'm sorry you were bullied. I think schools are not the right place for a lot of kids, they are big for expediency not because big is the best thing.

Billy, right, in cynical moments I feel like what I do is bargain rate childcare.

Ooh BiB, what did you do when you left then?

Arabella - rah for truancy! I truanted too, the good thing about being seen as a good girl is breaking the rules & no one noticing.

Quink - happily eccentric - ah, cute! School can stamp out eccentricity, hope you hung on to it.

Patroclus - nerdy & pretentious - clearly, we are sisters. Learning DTP at school & having your own paper rocks - we were always too dopey to think of doing anything like that.

Ah, GSE - it's shit that you had a bad time at school, when you're there it seems to go on forever and be like a life sentence.

Greavsie - you sound exactly like my favourite kid at school who is incredibly cute and charming (not that I ever have favourites, *ahem*)

Sar, I love your prom queen photos.

Anonymous said...

Panicked and entered myself to do my A Levels privately, which I scraped through, and then went to uni, where it was one crisis after another. It took me as long to get my BA as it takes most people to get a doctorate. Got there in the end. I'll learn to drive by the time I'm 50.

rockmother said...

Got bullied at primary school until I adjusted my voice and spoke with a cockney accent. Age 7 got moved up to be with the 10 year olds which meant I got bullied again. Left and went to a prep school instead - was a bit insecure and caused trouble now and again. School made me nervous and I found it difficult to concentrate. Hated secondary school beyond all belief. All the teachers told me I was stupid which made me try harder in a 'fuck you' way which was quite isolating. I was made to sit an IQ test at 13 which came out at 138. Couldn't do exams. Sat 10 O Levels - got 4. Went to 6th form college - loved it re-sat 2 O levels within 4 months and got 2 B's. Sent a copy of the pass certificate to my horrid secondary school teachers to prove it was the teaching methods not me that was stupid. Got 5 A Levels no problem. Did a degree. Loved it. As an adult - always seemed to push myself extremely hard, never take no for an answer and generally have a problem with authority figures. I'm sure a psychologist would have a field day. I still feel quite damaged by secondary school despite the fact it made me try harder - not for them but for myself.