Monday, June 25, 2007


should convince most men of the benefits of yoga. I'll say no more.

(It is utterly ludicrous, silly, slapstick and proposterous, but a definite thumbs up from me and V. Have not seen so many willies on the silver screen since a double bill of a German movie called 'Taxi zum Klo' and Almodovar's 'Law of Desire' at the Everyman when I was 17 - yeah yeah, call them 'art' movies if you want...

There is a very touching speech which I can't really recall & Google for once has let me down - Justin Bond (of Kiki & Herb) tells Sofia, the sex therapist who's never had an orgasm, that she shouldn't see it as a 'block' but as 'an electrical circuit' - 'everyone is just trying to plug into it & to find the right connection.' )



Anonymous said...

I saw that with Dan. He wanted to see Tenacious D. I vetoed.

I think we were the only straight guys in the cinema.

Really good movie though. The way they did the opening and closing scenes were fantastic.

Alda said...

'Taxi zum Klo' -???

Surely you jest.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good film. I've yet to finish watching Marie Antoinette, then go onto Miss Potter & Becoming Jane.

DCveR said...

I'll try and get it. Anything for a good laugh.

rockmother said...

I went to see Tax Um Klo at The Scala Cinema at some dodgy screening in the late 80's. All I can remember is trying to work out what was where at certain points!

Arabella said...

Oh forget all the rumpy-pumpy - what about the flat?!

Annie said...

Adrian, I liked the model of New York a lot - and the metaphor of the lights all the way through it.

Alda, mais non - it was a funny film though.

Dcver, it's an anti-p-orn film in a way - showing sex in a ridiculous but very human way.

RoMo - it was fascinating in a anthropological sense - I recall the montage of different dicks of all shapes and sizes...

Arabella, I think I won't find out for a couple of weeks, but believe me I'll post it here soon as I know!