Sunday, June 17, 2007


Weeds is one of those TV series that we seem incapable of making in this country, grownup, brilliant writing, confident, intelligent, shocking, funny, irreverent, I could go on...

Excuse me while I bore you with it, but it seemed to have passed under most people's radar.

It's the story of a young widow with two sons, who turns to dope-dealing when her husband unexpectedly dies and she has to maintain her upper-middle-class lifestyle in a conformist suburb of California.

It seems rare in that it portrays black and white characters pretty even-handedly, and doesn't skirt around the tensions. The characters are absolutely briliant - the stoner governor, the weed-dealing black matriarch, Elizabeth Perkins as a bitch-on-wheels PTA mom, the widow's waster brother-in-law who joins a Yeshiva in order to dodge the draft, and Mary-Louise Parker who is the sexiest, coolest character ever, and my heroine.

It also has great plot twists - I'm not giving too much away when I tell you that at the end of the first series, Mary-Louise gets out of her new lover's bed in the middle of the night and throws on his shirt, only to see in the bathroom mirror that it has 'DEA' written across it.

Just been watching the first two series on TV links (and the third series coming out soon on TV, so catch up while you can.) I'm watching TV less and less - we were very excited when we first got satellite, and called it The Shiny Friend - now we've come to realise there's a gazillion channels on it, most of them showing rubbish, so this discovery is a diamond.

PS - Sign of the times - in ICT on Wednesday one of my little boys turns from his computer to say 'Miss, can we watch Spiderman 3? I know where to find it - on TV links.)


Anonymous said...

I loved series one. I agree with you on all points.

But I never saw S2 come onto Sky. I hate it when they do that. I guess I'm going to have to try BitTorrent it.

Mangonel said...

She was GREAT in West Wing too.

Annie said...

Me neither Adrian - you have to watch it, it's a lot darker but still as good as series 1 - leaves it on a great cliff-hanger too. The episodes were all on TV links but some of them seem to have disappeared now.

Mangonel, I didn't see her, who did she play?

Anonymous said...

I hadn't even heard of TV links till now.

No mind it's BitTorrenting now, and will get watched next time I travel on my laptop.

Anonymous said...

Mary-Louise Parker was the chipmonked-faced feminist lawyer in The West Wing who improbably fell for Josh, the hair-receding spin doctor. Her character went on to work for Rizzo, I mean Mrs Bartlett. She had the annoying catchphrase of "What about them apples?"

Looking forward to the Weeds, thanks for the recommendation. (I can now use the extreme spanish humidity to justify excessive tv viewing!)

Mangonel said...

'chipmonked-faced'! A tad unkind, surely?

Anonymous said...

You´re right, that did sound much harsher than I meant, but she did remind me a bit of a chipmunk in West Wing...