Sunday, September 02, 2007

Return of the mouse

Sorry to bore you again with the mouse, but despite the magic supersonic mouse noise repeller, now permanently plugged in, last night about 2.00 am I could hear scratch scratch scratch, scratch scratch scratch, under the floorboards at the foot of the bed.

It was very freaky, sounded like something hideous was trying to tunnel its way into the room. I was a wuss and threw my shoe at it, I wanted to lift up the rug and be face to face with the beast, but was scared to in case it looked like this:

In which case I would have to leave the house immediately and check into a hotel.

Fuck. I had such faith in the supersonic mouse noise repeller too. On the website it says that The ultrasound creates a loud noise at a high frequency that only rodents can hear: imagine that for a mouse, it's like having a smoke alarm going off constantly.

Is it all a big con, and I have just bought an expensive box which lights up when you plug it in? After all, I can only take their word for it that its emitting a mouse smoke alarm - only the mice know for sure, and they're not telling...


violet said...

Eeesh. Has that mole been in a car accident?

Annie said...

No, he was born like it. He is a star-nosed mole. (Poor little sod. None of the other moles would play with him...)

Arabella said...

How much time do you have left in your present abode? Enough to try and love the mouse? Perhaps there is a course on learning to love mice at the nearest Adult Education Centre (one in San Francisco offered classes on how to fold fitted sheets - I almost signed up).

Annie said...

Good point, Arabella (it all depends on the vendor's solicitors getting their arses in gear.)

I do not mind the mouse really - I think it is an occasional visitor, not a longterm inhabitant - it just scares me when I'm in bed and can hear invisible beasties scrabbling around underneath.

Sheet folding classes, hey? Those crazy San Franciscans - surely a sheet is either on or off the bed? Only John Lewis factory workers who get them into those plastic packets need to fold sheets, don't they? *is puzzled*

Anonymous said...

Ah, we invested one of them. The family thinks they work, I don't.

Hayden said...

I tried those too. They don't work. Rubbish. Lying rubbish sellers.

Anonymous said...

Go nuclear. Get the poison traps. Sorry- not very humane but after all of the humane options failed this was the only way to prevent the food cupboard from filling with mouse excreta...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the mouse had adapted to urban conditions like those foxes that only eat McDonald´s and have become deaf to the noise of ultra sound like the tube mice are deaf to the trains.

Clair said...

Really sorry about the continued mouse mayhem - poison really the only way. I had a super mouse noise deterrent in the kitchen once, where it ought to have worked brilliantly on the hard surfaces, but no...

rockmother said...

You just need to kill it with poison. It really is the only way forward. Do you know HOW MANY mice are scampering around your head EVERY night? TONS. Not just one - TONS. And then there will be MORE. And MORE and MORE. Poison.

Bowleserised said...

Cat. Just borrow one for a month.

Anonymous said...

If it doesn't bother you apart from you can hear it when you are in bed, why not just wear earplugs? (That wasn't meant to be sarcastic)

Annie said...

Hey all. Thank you for your advice, I know, I know poison or cats the only way - but I've only seen it once in two weeks, no droppings or anything, it's not really major, so can't bring myself to commit MOUSE CARNAGE (and deal with mouse corpse). Where's a man when you need one?

Hi Harold - I should also say, can also feel vibrations from the wooden floor through the bed base *shudder* and don't really like the idea of rodents roaming around in the house either.

Clair said...

When you poison mice, they go off to die somewhere under the floorboards. You might notice a nasty smell for a few days, but better than dealing with one in a trap. Which I have done by covering it with a carrier bag, putting on gardening gloves and putting it all in the dustbin.