Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sunday feeling

It can't be right to feel this negative about going back to work. Can it? In addition to gloomy Sunday afternoon/end of holiday feeling there is real dread in the pit of my stomach. I am not ready, or even willing, to inspire young minds. I wish to hide under the duvet, quite frankly.

Yeah yeah, teachers, always bloody moaning, but you get all these long paid holidays - but let me put it to you like this, gentle reader - ask yourself this, truthfully now - would you like to go back to school?

Oh well, as we were always telling each other during the hellish PGCE year - the only way out is through. See you sometime next June. Probably.


Tim F said...

Stay under the duvet, and instruct your students to line up in alphabetical order outside your bedroom door. Every half hour, one comes in and joins you under the duvet, at which point you impart to them a single piece of useful knowledge, such as the square root of Kazakhstan, or the average birthweight of a Boeing 707. Every third child brings you a cup of tea and a chocky digestive.

I think that solves eveyone's problems, doesn't it?

Billy said...

I saw a bunch of teachers getting off the train at Hounslow this morning. I think they were newly qualified as they were both excited and nervous. It was quite a nice sight.

Anonymous said...

I think there are rules about pupils joining teachers in bed, nice as it sounds. And they would leave grubby choclatey paw prints over Slaminsky´s nice duvet cover, they could play with the mouse though - nature class?

Geoff said...

Those kids will be paying our pensions and healthcare in our dotage.

You are doing this for us!

Rimshot said...

Why, yes, I would LOVE to go back to school. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Hope that it wasn't as bad as you dreaded. I know the feeling of going to do something you don't want to do all too well. In fact, the lack of commute is probably the only thing that keeps me in my job. Anyway, I hope the new set of eager young faces inspired you to inspire.

violet said...

I feel your pain. I am troubled by freakish attacks of nerves most mornings when arriving at work, including a quite memorable bout of, erm, digestive discomfort on one particularly hellish day. It ain't right. But I am kept going by the lingering memory of finding the idea of the job inspiring once upon a time and working really hard to get it. Meh.

Hope the first day back wasn't too dizzying.

the whales said...

re Tim's "join you under the duvet"...that'd soon sort your career out!

Hope today wasn't so bad. No kids at our place today as it was a "training day". They all start rolling in tomorrow, as high as kites no doubt.

Good luck!

Annie said...

Tim, it's kooky, but it just might work. After all, they're always going on about one-to-one tuition.

Billy - ha! little do they know...

Em - you have never seen such city kids in your life. They squeal at the sight of an ant in the classroom - I think they'd pass out if they ever saw a mouse.

Geoff, thanks, that makes me feel a whole lot better.

Hi Rimshot - wanna swap?

BiB, thank you ducky. Your job is my idea of heaven at the moment.

Violet, my sympathies. I know exactly what you are talking about.
Kids are back tomorrow, when the real fun and games start.

Me too Whales - best of luck tomorrow, my colleague in the trenches...

Bowleserised said...

Can you teach them to hunt mice?

Annie said...

good call Bowleserised...

I remembered why it's no so bad today. The kids are kind of cute.

Rimshot said...

Does that mean no swap?