Monday, August 11, 2008

In limbo

at the moment, half-way between old place and new:

1.) most of my worldly possessions - shoes, underwear, boxes of tapes that I'll never play again, ashtrays hung onto since college days throughout a million house moves - are in the new place. Hurrah!
2.) Telly is in the new place.
3.) CD player is in the new place.

1.) No frivolous luxuries like chairs to sit on in the new place.
2.) or sofas.
3.) Phone line is still in the old place hence
4. ) Broadband is in the old place.

However, can't watch or listen to anything on the computer as the speakers have bust. Can only listen to Radio 4 for so many hours without wanting to spork Jenni Murray and the cast of the Archers to death.

I'm boooooored.

Waddaya mean, read a book?


Annie said...

Despite a resolution to have nothing kitsch or childish in the new place, I'm strangely drawn to these.

Tim F said...

Sporked Jenni Murray. Oh yes. And can you take out the presenters of You and Yours at the same time?

bedshaped said...

There's something strangley warming about that paper.

Del said...


Bored? Why not have a drink! You deserve it...

Anonymous said...

"why not have an apple" as my mother once said when I told her I was bored. Do get the wallpaper, don´t get the speakers (their faces look like gas masks). Why not get yourself into a blather about how awful radio 4 sitcoms are...

Anonymous said...

That would want to be one exciting motherfucking apple.

I dunno, what would a whole room of that paper look like? There's a lot going on in it. Timorous Beastie is however an awesome name for a company.

Anonymous said...

Wallpaper is fantastic - it's totally you. I hate the speakers. Sorry Annie. I think you should spend the money on nice pots and pans so you might cook delicious meals for me insted.

Anonymous said...

Wallpaper is fantastic - it's totally you. I hate the speakers. Sorry Annie. I think you should spend the money on nice pots and pans so you might cook delicious meals for me insted.

Anonymous said...

why did that leave two comments - sorry - confused as to what happened there. Can you delete one?

Unknown said...

Definite "yes" to the wallpaper, a "not sure" to the speakers. Flat looks lovely, by the way.

Could we perhaps grant Jenni Murray an amnesty and go after Nigel Rees and Vincent Duggleby instead? Will willingly help with the cast of The Archers.

patroclus said...

Trellick Tower toile de Jouy? Get it, get it, get it! I love toile de Jouy in all its forms - ironic or non-ironic, it's all good. In fact only the other night I was seriously coveting some fantastic toile de Jouy bedheads I saw in Hitchcock's North by Northwest.

(Yes, I am an insufferable wanker.)

Annie said...

Er, just kidding about the wallpaper really, it's got a picture of a man holding someone up with a gun and a bag lady on a bench on it. Though it does make me smile.

Have an apple! hahaha! Quaking with laughter (QWL?) in the internet cafe...

Billy said...

As long as there's TV and CDs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it was vitamins by stealth either that or, horrors, she wasn´t really listening to me and just came out with one of the mum-stock answers...

I think you should just have the bag lady bit of the wall paper all over the flat...

GreatSheElephant said...

Wallpaper - just do one wall of one room with it. It would be way too much for an entire room but it is rather fabulous.

I personally LOVE the speakers and will probably get them whether or not you do.

But I am about to post something in the next day or two about how I have no taste.