Monday, September 25, 2006

Rock n'roll

Oh, how I want to. But I am old and past it. But free gigs! And free CDs! I put it to you, hip young gunslingers of London, that this would be right up your alley.


Tim F said...

I was about to say that you're not old and you're not past it. But you appear to have used the phrase "hip young gunslinger", which marks you out as someone who remembers Julie Burchill before she was fat.


Señor Tronosco said...

Do you find gigs just a bit too noisy? Not to mention a bit dark and the standing up is no good for the knees.

The CD reviewing is a safe option. You can do that from the comfort of your armchair as long as you can bend down to pick up the post.

Adrian said...

I know the person that you would email. She's very nice.

I thought about this for a moment. I love music, but not all music.

Then I realised that I don't like writing about music - I don't experience music in a verbal way. I end up writing "It was really good! especially be the na-na-na-clappy-hand bits kicked in. And the key change! Woo!"

Which really is only intelligable and humorous if you know me.

If only I could do reviews through the medium of hand-tapping or jaunty dancing...

Annie said...

Tim - busted... (35 is the new 21 you know).

Señor T, my days in the moshpit are over *sigh*, but I'll consider what you say - might need an ear-trumpet though.

Ooh, Adrian! Friend to the movers and shakers! Yes, to be honest with you this is more why I would find it hard, hats off to music critics and their ridiculous metaphors (and proper music writers like Tim.)

Anonymous said...

Annie don't miss any opportunities! I'd do it if I was there. Going to see Lambchop in a couple of weeks, maybe I'll post a review.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could do this, wrong city, wrong country I'm afraid. Damnit.

Del said...

Who's Julie Birchill?

Just kidding... You can do anything you want to, baby! If Julie "Aren't Chavs great?" Burchill can still comment on pop culture, you certainly can.

Adrian said...

Hee. I emailed my friend just to see was it worth my time. She said "I'm the one who decides, so yes". And there we have it.

Adrian said...

In other words - Annie, do it!

Annie said...

Realdoc, I love Lambchop, well, the two tunes of theirs I know.

Heather - you should email Gothamist (the publishers) suggesting they set one up down your way - then YOU could review the gigs!

Del - you cheeky monkey. Yes, I can comment on pop culture, there should be a place for senior citizens to have their say.

Thanks for the support Adrian! You do it, I'll follow you...

Del said...

I rather like being called a cheeky monkey.