Monday, November 06, 2006


I've been going to the gym recently, the other day I got chatted up there. First he corrected my usage of a weights machine 'You're doing that with such charisma - but don't arch your back...'
I thought he was a gym instructor but no, he was just a random other gym user.

Then 'You have a very healing energy. Are you a nurse?'
He looked disappointed when I said I was a teacher, but then I was disappointed that he didn't follow up by asking if I liked pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, it was such a cheesy line.

Though he was very fit (doing all that professional boxer-type skipping and lifting his whole body weight on the machines - easy to impress us gals hey ) - would you ever go for a man who wears his shades in the gym?

Plus I'm not sure about flirting in the gym. Though I quite enjoy checking people out, I myself would prefer to have a cloak of invisibility whilst working out, they may be attractive but with red face, mad hair & all out of breath from the running machine, I really really am not.


Wyndham said...

Inexplicably, I have never had an unwanted attention from any of the lovely ladies who use my gym, or indeed any of the less than lovely men. I think it's because I have a bit of a comedy run. In my mind, I'm David Hasselhoff running in slow-motion along that beach, in reality I probably have all the grace of Heather Mills.

Annie said...

Ooh! Ouch! feel the sting as Wyndham wields his lash!

I find humming the Chariots of Fire music makes all the difference whilst on the treadmill...

Anonymous said...

I've alwyas been told the gym is an impossible flirt as girls don't like being hit on when sweaty.

But I do know people gym who have picked up at the gym.

Not I though although I did fall in Love. Almost chatted at the water cooler once to her but alas not.

You're bloke might be fit but a bit cheesy. Still what the heck, ask him for a coffee.

Del said...

I think gym flirting is a bit beyond me. I find the whole experience rather awkward as it is, let alone without trying to interact with the opposite sex. And there's also the rather predatory members of the same sex to watch out for!

Oh to be charismatic on the weights machine. I guess it looked like you were on the pull...

Annie said...

Adrian, I would, but have a feeling he'd say his body is a temple that he cannot poison with toxins like coffee. And it's an interesting philosophical question you raise - is it possible to fall in love when you haven't spoken to someone yet?

Del, right, this one doesn't even have a cafe for post-gym flirting. (Really? Gay men try to chat you up in the gym? I must be naive, I thought there were special gay gyms that only gay men went to for that.) Of course, I am ve-ry sexy and seductive when falling backwards off the treadmill, let me tell you.

Adrian said...

There are gay gyms, but they'll let us in the other ones too. Mind you, any gym around the centre of London could just be deemed gay.

I can't believe that guy wears shades in the gym. That's just daft.

Del said...

Yeah, it's a central London gym in the centre of mediaville, so I'm practically asking for it. Let's just say that people don't exactly keep their eyes to themselves in the changing rooms, if you catch my drift...

Still, always nice to me the centre of attention. How do I look, boys?

Anonymous said...

I always assumed all the men in the gym were gay. My mistake there.

Annie said...

Adrian 'They'll let us in the other ones' - cute! Yes - daft, or possibly pretentious.

Del - tease.

Realdoc - it's disconcerting, being noticed in the gym. Unless you're Del.

Anonymous said...

Of course it's possible to fall in love with someone you have not spoken to. For example Natalie Portman.

Anonymous said...

So - are you going out with him or what???

Annie said...

Adrian - or met? I know she's beautiful but she's also pixels on a screen...

Nope, bad Sar - maybe if I see him in the gym again, and get to find out why he's wearing shades.

Del said...

Maybe he's Geordi from Star Trek The Next Generation.

DraconianOne said...

Someone who wears shades in the gym has either got a very good medical reason or is not there to work out. The word normally used to describe such a person is unrepeatable on a family show.

And yes it's possible to pull at the gym but in my experience it's only through going repeatedly at a regular time and seeing the same people often. You then have something in common to talk about. Hitting on someone as soon as you see them is best kept to the clubs and bars. In my ever so humble opinion, of course.