Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lock 'em up and throw away the key

Or not. Amnesty's campaign against the 42 days proposal needs your signature urgently here.

(Do you know how long they can lock them up in America, land of the paranoid right-wing loonies, without charge? 2 days. )


Annie said...

But then, they have Guantanamo Bay and Extraordinary Rendition, I guess. Swings and roundabouts...

rockmother said...

Yes - and they have unleashed Mad Bad Sarah Palin on the world! She needs to be locked up forever.

Annie said...

Have you seen Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, (as seen on Bowleserised's blog?) V funny...

Del said...

Done. Thanks for the link. I always forget to pay attention to such things.

And you're right, but the comparison is irrevelent really. It's up to us to kick our own government's arse. Locking people up without charge is disgraceful. You can't pretend to preserve liberty by restricting it.

Del said...

Yay! We fucking won!

Right. Next. Identity cards. WTF?

Annie said...

Yay! Yay for the peers!

Home secretary Jacqui Smith immediately withdrew the proposal from the Counter-Terrorism Bill and hit out at critics. 'Some may take the security of Britain lightly – I don't,' she said in an emergency statement.

She also accused peers who had thrown the proposal out of 'being prepared to ignore the terrorist threat for fear of taking a tough but necessary decision'.

It's so dishonest.

Identity cards - right, because spending billions on ID cards that no one wants or needs during a financial meltdown is really a very good idea.