Wednesday, October 08, 2008

On smacking

Got very mixed feelings about this. Yes, we should protect children from angry, out of control adults. No, people shouldn't hit their kids. But why does everything have to be legislated now, dictated by the state, including parenting?


Annie said...

Actually, scratch that. In the last 5 seconds my thinking has undergone a U-turn.

The crazy, instantaneous nature of blogging hey?!

Anonymous said...

Were you watching Fern and Phil as well then?

I think "smacking" and "hitting" are two very separate things. And legislating on the former is not something that should ever be done.

Legislating on the latter has already been done. You're not allowed hit your kids, or anyone elses. Smacking is completely different.

Annie said...

No, I just saw the headline and made a snap judgement, this is how I like to make all my judgements.

True, but I guess the difference between the two is a grey area and hence the need to try and legislate...

rockmother said...

It's a hollow legislation that ignores the fact that if you are going to legislate for non-smacking then you also need to instigate and strengthen parent and family support systems for help with this and understanding what it means. Don't tell people what they can and can't do without giving them some sort of guidance and support. There must be zillions of parents out there who were smacked themselves and think it is fine to smack their own child now and again. The other problem is is that legislating for this means that the parent in the eyes of the law has less perceived responsibility for or control over their child. I think shouting and verbal abuse is on a par with smacking if not much much worse. How do you legislate for smacking? What defines a smack?

It is a legal minefield. Surely there are more pressing things to legislate for than this? More time would be better spent creating awareness than dictating a set of legal rules to parents around the country.

Del said...

Smacking is bad, but yes, agreed that such unenforcable nanny stateism (almost literally in this case) is also bad. It stops people taking responsibility for their own lives.

Annie said...

Oh good, RoMo, you and Del have made my first knee-jerk response seem fairly reasonable. I agree, more support for parents, less laws. Stupid government.

Rad said...

Smacking is very much the last resort ever. The threat of a smacked bum (or leg) should be enough. But, if the bluff is called you have to follow up or the kid knows you don't mean what you're saying, and will in future try to get away with murder.

Its a fucking horrible thing to have to do, but I honestly believe that sometimes it is necessary. Anyone is welcome to disagree with me, but that's what I believe.

Annie said...

Apparently (some of) the government thinks that parents shouldn't be allowed to judge for themselves. Naughty Rad! Three smacks on the wrist!

Rad said...

The government can kiss my arse! :D

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this is still going on. I blogged about it over 5 years ago.

Beating your kids is wrong.

An appropriate smack occasional, by a responsible parent is something entirely different.

The government should get on with helping parents by supporting them, and educating them instead of legislating them.

llewtrah said...

My parents rarely smacked us. When we did get a smack, we knew we'd been bad. Many animals discipline their young with a short, sharp shock and I see no problem with humans doing the same - as long as it is one or two smacks, not six of the best or beatings. No matter what some people would have us believe, you cannot always reason with a child and sometimes you need to regain control.