Thursday, October 09, 2008

My famous blogger friend

Which telegenic blogger from my link list on the right features here? I'm taking bets...


Annie said...

Hmm. My linkees seem to have mysteriously disappeared. They were there a minute ago...

Anonymous said...

I know!! I know!!!

Del said...

I think Blogrolling thing is deaded. At least at the moment. I had to actually type your address in! The indignity.

I have no idea what you're on about.

Betty said...

That's actually a blogger in the YouTube clip?

He's a bit of alright, whoever he may be.

Annie said...

Sar - you're not allowed to bet!

Del - yes, they got hacked, apparently.

I get that a lot. I was taking bets on which blogger from my blogroll it is, it made more sense in my head.

Betty, isn't he lovely? And famous now too. It is the Curve of Trajectory, other half of the lovely Emma.