Monday, March 09, 2009

Fuck shopping, let's make art

Anybody want to come and see a play in West One Shopping Centre with me?

Here tis:
Staff of a Private Military Company are passing through Amman en route to Baghdad when one of their number goes missing in Amman. His oldest friend defies protocol to stay and look for him.

It's a promenade play - I understand this to mean that you walk around the actors. It comes highly recommended. ( And after sitting down for TWO AND HALF HOURS through 'He's Just Not That Into You' recently my butt protests at any more sedentary entertainment. )

Shops going bust left right and centre, so they're turning them into theatres & galleries - bring it on!

(I saw an installation in a laundrette by the magnificent Dr D recently, just happened to be wandering past when I saw Brainwash on Bethnal Green High Street - more on Dr D's subversion - and better photos - here. It seems to be the thing at the moment. )


Billy said...

Erm, that's the West 12 shopping centre, about ten minutes from my house.

Oooh, must look into this.

Annie said...

Yay! C'mon Billy, as PJ Harvey said.

Billy said...

Yes, I should go. Do you have a particular date in mind?

Because it's not like I even have to get on a tube, I have no excuse...

Annie said...

Rah! Fridays are good. It's on for a while -

rockmother said...

I'm thinking I could just charge for people to come round to my house for a bit of drama-comedy of an evening chez Romo. Go with the flow and all that. These are focussing interesting artistic times. xxx

Annie said...

I'd pay to see that, Romo!
