Sunday, March 01, 2009

Gran Torino

Have you ever been to the Electric Cinema? OH MY LORD. Massive comfortable chairs, lots of space, little footstalls to put your feet up, a bar, a sidetable for your drink, a beautiful renovated 30s picture house...

Oh, the film. It was good, and gripping, and old Clint does his grizzled old flinty-eyed thing superbly, but my, what a bleak view of race relations in America today.

The Korean immigrants have all become assimilated beautifully into the local culture - they wear the clothes, they talk the talk, they're all driving around in gangs beating people up and shooting them.

'You should go out with your own kind' Clint says to his Korean next-door-neighbour, when he sees her with a white boy. She has just been harrassed by black boys angry when they see her and a white boy walking together through their neighbourhood.

But it's okay, Clint arrives in his truck (which replaces his horse) and his gun saves the day. Firepower is just as important in this movie as it ever was in Spaghetti Westerns. Is this the way they're going to solve their problems, shoot their way out of it? Whoever has the biggest gun wins? Is that the best we can hope for? I won't write a spoiler, but if you see it, do note Clint's final pose and what it tells you. Individualism alive and well in the American cinema - too bad people somehow have to get along together.


Rog said...

He thought it would be a good Korea move.

Billy said...

The Electric rules.

Anonymous said...

I do love a good cinema. Very few nicer places to be.

Arabella said...

Clint - he doesn't really do shades of grey, does he?!

LC said...

Love the "Get off my lawn!" line in the trailer - can't wait to see this, Clint rocks.

Ever see Mystic River? Good piece of work from him, I thought.

Anne said...

Hey, Annie, have you seen "The Class" (Entre les Murs) yet? Brilliant. Five stars. Way older kids than yours, and/but compelling. Stanislavski eat your heart out, this is kids playing themselves. (Ish.) And the subtitles are very clever. Never mind the Electric Cinema decadence (I am so envious!), we saw it in an all too deserted Picturehouse. Where is everybody? I wonder how long for this world are these arts cinemas.

Annie said...

Rog - boooo!

Billy, yes, and all for the same price as a multiplex.

Emordino, right, must get back into it.

Arabella, life was easier in the wild west, you knew who the baddies were.

I haven't seen Mystic River LC, will keep an eye out for it - this reminded me of Unforgiven quite a bit.

I do want to see The Class Anne, it looks very good. I know what you mean about the arthouse cinemas, I think people turn to popcorn movies when times are hard.

Bela said...

I used to live around the corner from it.

Haven't been in recent years.