Monday, March 23, 2009

Paranoid, much?

This is what you see when you apply for a visa waiver for the States. Was trying to get to it from my home computer. Think I'll try it from work, instead.


Arabella said...

And then you get a big sloppy welcome kiss at Customs. Not

Rad said...

Makes you not want to bother doesn't it? Certainly makes me not want to bother.

GreatSheElephant said...

I haven't wanted to bother for 5 years now and this isn't helping much.

QE said...

Hoorah for administrative oversight! The world needs more of that!

Annie said...

Arabella, right, my impression of the customs at JFK is that they HATE ALL HUMANITY...

Aw, Rad, GSE but it's good once you're there. I know you had a bad experience Rad but it's so nice going away to somewhere that speaks the same language. Well, sort of.

QE - well, quite.

Arabella said...

It's true - keep your eye on the prize. Or rather that well mixed Manhattan.

Bowleserised said...

Well you know that all vegetarians are terrorists. They're just being careful.

Rad said...

I wouldn't mind going back to Florida, but you can stick Manhattan where the sun don't shine. Rank place! :(