Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Forgot the Halloween candy again, bugger it.

Another evening of hiding from the feral estate children with the curtains drawn.


Natsthename said...

tee hee.

Happy Halloween! (I'm going about with the feral children! BAAHHHH)

Anxious said...

Argh! I'm not sure we've got any suitable sweets in either. I'm not sure they'd go for 80% cocoa dark chocolate...

DCveR said...

No trick or treat around here. But now that you mention it... I'll grab a piece of chocolate myself. ;)

David said...

I blocked the letter box too.

Little swines.

Annie said...

And what was your trick or treating costume then Natalie?

Anxious - never give away the 80% dark cocoa chocolate, not even if they threaten to burn the house down!

Dcver - is it not a tradition in Portugal? It wasn't always here either, we seem to have imported it from the US.

Welcome Greavsie - that was sly and cunning of you. I might try it - will also deter the 3000 pizza and double glazing leaflets we get every day.

DCveR said...

The first of November is All Saints day same as any other Catholic country. And we have the "pão por Deus" (bread by God) tradition in old little towns where poor kids would go to the mannors ask for bread on this day. Of course now the few that still do it don't have feudal mannors so they simply go to every house. But we don't have all the masks and partying. Also the pumpkin thing started in the US, the original jack-o-lamps were from the UK and were made of turnips.

Annie said...

Well I never. Dcver, you sort me out with the good info every time ;-)