Sunday, April 09, 2006


For reasons I won't bore you with, on Thursday I had a pissy, awful, shit, rubbish, shit day which culminated in me hiding in my resources cupboard crying like a pathetic girly (kids banging on the door, heart-breakingly, going Miss, Miss! Look at the card I made you! At least the kids like me.)

Came home and got on the internet and lo! There was my perfect job on a website. Apply online. Spend an hour doing all that tedious stuff (can you remember the dates when you were at school? Me neither.) Proactive, multi-tasking, self-motivated, etc etc etc... (If only you could be truthful on application forms. Mine would go something like Extremely slothful, champion daydreamer, easily bored.) Turn away for 2 seconds and it vanished off the screen. Gone, into the ether. Because it was on some kind of a timer. Bah. It was the icing on the cake.

Go on, tell me some good news.


Anonymous said...

Annie you're great. Don't cry.

I'd make you a card too if it helped.

BiB said...

Um, have a nice big cup of coffee with frothy milk and one-and-a-half spoons of brown sugar. Not white! It'll make you cry again. And eat something calorific.

Not really 'good news', but it might work.

Anonymous said...

That should be "if it will help" ... [8 beers down ... apologies]

BiB said...

...also, when sadness is computer-related, I find applying a low level of violent activity to it helps. A little smack, or a very gentle punch. Not one that would break it, as then you'd have to be doubly sad.

Alda said...

I have it on good authority that when something vanishes off your computer screen, something excellent is about to happen.

Tim F said...

Try staying up drinking calvados and eating crisps until three in the morning, watching Japanese gangster movies, then run down the street in just your pants singing Buddy Holly songs.

Works for me.

Annie said...

It was worth a bad day for all the sweet comments. Thanks, my friends.

Adrian, have you been pissed every day on holiday? I'm proud of you.

Hi BiB! I like your recipe, a lot. Caffeine and sweeties, definitely count as good news.

Alda, you know all about the computer woes. I trust your judgement :-)

Tim, rock 'n'roll! Calvados... you must have an iron constitution.

Anonymous said...

Not everyday. Just those that end in 'ay'.

Actually I have been drinking every day, but not pissed every day.

Annie said...

Right, that's your story and you're sticking to it...