Friday, March 16, 2007

Hot or not

Oh God.

Modern life is very complicated. Doesn't it seem like someone has invented a service for absolutely everything these days?

('We rate your photos on a 4-level scale: Below average,average, above average and excellent.'

Having your profile photo rated - yet another level of torment and anxiety to add to the fun of this dating malarkey!)

(and how does one write a description of oneself? Very tempted to write 'see blog for details.' Maybe I should get this book for some ideas - I'm liking 'I've divorced better men than you' as a stand-out headline.)


Mangonel said...


And that's the cheapest. My word am I in the wrong business.

Do you have one? A dating profile? Don't you trust your blogchums to do this for you? For free?

Dan Flynn said...


I am a lovely person who has a keen eye. I see from your photos that you too are a lovely person who has a keen eye. I am also known for my ability to combust. If you too are a combuster then perhaps we might make fire together.

I am also spontaneous but have to keep that in check because sometimes it makes me giddy.

You owe me £45.

(think I've not quite grasped this dating thing but send me the money anyway)


Annie said...

I know, Mangonel - though it sounds more impressive in dollars - I think it is quite a cunning idea to fleece poor singles... I do have one, but find them a pain in the arse to write. Anybody feel free to send in suggestions.

Dan, thanks for that *scribbles notes down furiously* spontaneous combustion good, demands for money, not so good...

Mike said...

I think you should just take the tip on the website and describe yourself as a guitar-playing cardiologist. Can't go wrong with that.

Annie said...

Viking - superb, why let truth get in the way after all? 'Blogging teacher' is not that exciting - 'sky-diving brain surgeon', 'tap-dancing secret agent' or 'snowboarding trapeze artist', now...

LC said...

I'm playing the same game at the moment, and I suspect that you could write any old crap in your profile so long as you've got a good photo.

That said, I absolutely, positively refuse to swap messages with anybody who uses 'txt spk' in their profile no matter how good looking they are. Also, the "I'm looking for Mr Darcy" line gets a bit tedious after you've read it for the millionth time...

Annie said...

LC - I'm looking for Mr Darcy? Seriously? Tsk, schtoopid women. Mr Darcy, as in vain, pompous, arrogant, anally retentive, with a sense of humour bypass? God knows, it's what I always look for in a man.

(I suspect they really mean 'I'm looking for Colin Firth.')

LC said...

I often feel the urge to point out to them that Mr Darcy, were he not a fictional character, would have expected complete subservience from his wife, and he would have been legally entitled to beat her with a wooden stick if she showed anything less than total, absolute obedience.

This probably explains why I'm not much good at the whole dating thing.

Annie said...

Cheer up hon, you can't be any worse at it than me. And Mr Darcy sounds like a good way to filter some of them out - I'm trying to think of the equivalent on men's profiles... the man with the teeth did frighten me.

rockmother said...

Oh my god - he looks like a comedy walrus. He has a walrus moustache and he's clearly been eating earth. What on earth (was he thinking of)?!

Annie said...

RoMo - I know. Maybe he was thinking 'my great sense of humour will attract the ladeez' but his teeth were scary...