Saturday, March 10, 2007

Wishlist meme

Books I have been longing for, for years... I don't hold with wishlists, but if ever you were to, you know, win the lottery and were feeling particularly generous towards your linkees...

Avedon, In the American West.
When it came out, we used to go every weekend and stroke the cover of this, in the old Dillons art bookshop on Long Acre in Covent Garden. I would like to get in my (imaginary) car and go and take photos of people all over the country in front of a white sheet, just like Avedon did. Was totally ecstatic when the exhibition arrived in Barcelona years later, and I got to see the pictures themselves.

Classic Cafes, by Adrian Maddox
Also a rather fine website of old-school, vintage cafes which are slowly and steadily disappearing. Like this book, which appears to be out of print now. Bugger.

A Book of Dreams by Peter Reich

I wrote about this before - the son of Wilhelm 'Orgone Energy' Reich, all about his crazy childhood with the rainmaking psychoanalyst, it went on to inspire Patti Smith's 'Birdland' and Kate Bush's ' Cloudbusting'. Very expensive and out of print.

Radiohead - Welcome to the Machine: 'Ok Computer and the Death of the Classic Album - by our very own Tim Footman. Not out of print, oh no, but easily available and what's more, out very soon...

Go to it, people...


Tim F said...

YAY! I got mentioned in the same post as the old Dillon's Art! God, how many days must I have spent drooling in there. I did buy stuff too, honest. Magritte and Peter Blake postcards, mostly.

Thanks, babe.

Oops, Amazon ranking is slipping again...

Annie said...

Eeep! When I lived in Galway I imagined taking pictures of all the locals in the pub I worked in a la Avedon in front of a white sheet, too. Of course I never did it. But its okay, I did other things.

My mother told me in the pub tonight that she has Tim's book on order.

Annie said...

You're right, I think the only thing I ever bought was postcards.

What is this ranking thing? Is it pre-orders,or sales, or page visits, or what? (When I worked in the industry a hundred years ago, they told us that it was backlist titles that sold the most - not hotshot young authors that got huge advances, but you know, Dickens and Jane Austen who'd sell steadily for years and years... these days I think they call it the long tail... Surely this will be you with Radiohead?) Annie's mum has started it off already...

Annie, what other things did you do in Galway? We must know! Have you posted about it before?

Billy said...

Ooh what a splendid idea, I shall get to this one once I've assembled a good list.

rockmother said...

Those Avedon portraits are brilliant aren't they? I used to spend hours looking at them when I did my degree Film and Photography).

Annie said...

Billy, splendid!

I loooove them, RoMo - cool, you did film and photography? I did film, but only watching them, not making them...