Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bird Flu

Don't worry, it's not contagious. M.I.A's latest is so-so, but the video rocks.


realdoc said...

Oh darn you should've left the lyric thing on for a bit longer.

Anonymous said...


Billy said...

I quite liked that, actually. Nice one of old MIA to do a bit of zeitgeist-surfing.

Annie said...

It's a grower.

Annie said...

Why's that Realdoc? It's still there, lurking below...

Sar, aren't those kids the coolest?

Billy, she does a good line in dodgy lyrics old MIA. I remember 'I've got the bombs to make you blow, I've got the bits to make you bang' shortly before the July 7th tube bombings.

Annie, you mean - it's infectious? (Sorry sorry, couldn't help it.)