Tuesday, February 20, 2007


New pub quiz. I'm just, like, saying.


realdoc said...

Sorry I won't be there, I love quizzes. Have you noticed the ads on Channel4 for More4 featuring the perfect pub quiz team. Well those ads were filmed in my favourite London pub, The Palm Tree, which I blogged about before and is really near you, well I thought it was spooky.

Billy said...

3rd Wednesday of the month? Gosh, that's tomorrow!

Annie said...

Nooo - have not seen those ads Realdoc, I'll look out for them. Still haven't made it to the Palm Tree, but I will.

Billy - darn, too early. Oh well, it's on every month.

Tim F said...

Calorific value of peanuts! Yay!

violet said...

Ooh, I know the Old Queen's Head quite well (and the Mucky Pup round the corner!), and remembering the comments following Patroclus' post on qualifications a few blog people'd rule at pub quizzes. Though I can't do tomorrow as I have to watch Liverpool lose to Barcelona, probably in a rubbish pub.

Billy said...

Next month then? That'll be March 21st according to my desktop calendar.

Lucky I'm not giving up pub quizzes for Lent...

Annie said...

Tim - that's a boy's question if ever I heard one. I wish we could have a live laptop linkup so you could join in, but we'd probably get disqualified.

Violet - come and play! The Mucky Pup sounds great - good to know other pubs to meet in at Angel.

Billy, I'm up for it - even if it's just you me & Llewtrah - but maybe we can get an actual team this time?

Annie said...

Tim - when I saw Will's comment 'you're not very bright' with a link, for a horrible moment I thought he was linking back to one of my posts to demonstrate. Hahahaha! I was quite relieved that it wasn't one of mine.

llewtrah said...

Midweek is a pain cos of train travel and having to get up at 5 a.m. for work, but if Billy reminds me and it's not at the opposite end of town (cos it can take about an hour to get back to Liverpool St then a 45 mins home and then I have to get a sodding taxi which costs £12 because we don't have night buses) I should be able to manage sometimes.

Billy said...

Llewtrah - Angel is 2 stops to Moorgate and one to Liverpoool Street so not to far away.

rockmother said...

ooh - can I come? I love a pub quiz.

Annie said...

Llewtrah - right, mid-week is a pain, they never seem to have them on Fridays for some reason.

RoMo - pleeeeeease come, that would be fab.

llewtrah said...

Reachable, but still racks up the sodding £12 taxi fare. Grrr.

rockmother said...

Oh yes but llewtrah - it will be FUN!
Annie can you remind me nearer the time otherwise I'll do an Olive and forget.

rockmother said...

Actually - scrub that - I've just done what everyone else does and put it in my diary. x