Wednesday, February 21, 2007


kaff kaff kaff kaff. Kaff kaff kaff. Kaff kaff kaff kaff...

Why am I kaffing all the time, now I've given up the evil weed? Hey?

I sound like Bob Fleming.

Am Unwell, still. Kaff kaff.


Taiga the Fox said...

Commiserations and get well soon.

(I have had a Jed Thomas-day today, if it helps. Probably not.)

Anonymous said...

One person I was talking to the other day described his kaff as a 'healthy' one, because it was a side-effect of giving up the evil weed.

I'm sure it goes away sooner or later; until then good luck (and congratulations, where applicable ;) ) with being weedless.

Annie said...

Merci, Taiga and QE...

Rad said...

It does go away mate. Hope you're feeling better soon. I'm still feeling crap! :(

Billy said...

I'm kaffing loads today. Can you catch things off of the internets?

Hope you're feeling better.

violet said...

I hear this side effect is common. It goes away.

Everyone at my office is cacking themselves over the tiniest cough cos one of our punters has just thought to mention he's got TB. Hence lots of 'worried well' probation officers dashing to the doctor, whereas any fool knows you don't have to worry unless you're coughing blood. Wimps.

Sorry, this anecdote isn't vaguely reassuring, is it? Stick to the first couple of sentences.

Anonymous said...

I'm more worried that I'm not coughing. Six weeks in and not a splutter. It's your cilia working again. Celebrate their newly functional lives. The wonderweb once told me that the stage beyond mere cilia-inhibiting is where they wither into a scaly pre-cancerous mesh.

That word 'scaly' is rarely good :-/

realdoc said...

You have to wait 6 months for all the little hairs inside your bronchi to grow back. They have been destroyed by the evil weed. Until they start wafting the mucus up again you will keep coughing, sorry but there it is.

Annie said...

Aww, poor Rad. You need a holiday.

Billy, hope I didn't pass on the plague to you.

Violet - TB? *runs for the hills*

Bad Sarah's other half - a hearty 'well done' for your 6 weeks! Now you have to find another vice to make up for it...

Cheers, Realdoc. I think you should start charging for your online consultations, you know.

Anonymous said...

Somethings going around, I've been ill for a month now.

Hope you get better and well done for quitting the evil fags.