Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cheapskate's haircut

So, on an economy drive, I went to the London Esthetique for a pedicure from lovely smiley Nina, and then to the Famous Hairdressers' Training School for £11.00 haircut (the last time was a hundred years ago for moral support when Emma got her beautiful long locks chopped into their famous bob. She went in all Rapunzel and came out all Louise Brooks, a process that took a mere 4 hours.)
My student (we'll call him Som) is from Thailand via Malibu - I wonder what his story is, must be very expensive studying in London and he has a house in Malibu - we're getting on fine and I take a piece of paper & pen to DRAW what I mean so none of those Hairdresser-speak/English mistranslation problems need ensue - then his tutor (I'm guessing Italian) appears.

'What you want - it's very eighties. We want a clean, modern, strong shape. At your age, you think, yes, I must keep the length, but if people see this, they think, this woman, she thinks she is still in the Eighties.'

Miaow, pussycat! Retract those claws! I'm not taking this from a man clad in stonewashed pre-ripped jeans, cowboy boots and a leather waistcoat, like he's channelling Sam Fox. Okay then, whatever you say. Because though I know we can happily discuss this for hours like we're designing and decorating the Sistine Chapel, at the end of the day you are cutting a couple of inches off my hair, which will return to Bride of Frankenstein Jewfro at the first hint of rain.

Snip snip snip... cut cut cut... it is a really good deal, but it takes hours, as they have to check with the tutor every step of the way. And as Som applies the hairdryer and the straighteners, (yes, it takes both to tame the Slaminsky mane) a familiar shape begins to appear in the mirror. The man refused me an eighties cut, but there's something about the style that reminds me of...

Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, he has given me a Rachel cut.


Billy said...

£11 cheap? Yikes!

My cheapest haircut was one where they paid me £3. It was rubbish though.

Meredith Jones said...

Jewfro? I gotta get out more. Enjoy the Rachel - I had one in 1999 to attend my ex husband's wedding to another man & it worked out well (the haircut that is).

violet said...

What is it with male hairdressers and cowboy boots? I trust noone with that kind of taste to cut my hair.

Actually, I pay about £11 at Supercuts so I take what I can get and queue for half an hour for the privilege, I just wanted to sound cool and ruthless. The Rachel cut was popular for a reason, methinks - it's adaptable and suits lots of faces. I'm sure it works. I would have one if I had the patience to grow my hair past my chin.

Tim F said...

Jewfros rock! I'm thinking the NME writers' room, circa 1973. Or an MC5 concert. Big sunglasses and a teeny beard as well. Unfortunately, I inherited my hair from my goy dad, so I've never been able to do it.

The first time I got my hair cut in Thailand, he shaved my ears as well. There's service. That cost about 90p.

In another place (posher - about 3 quid) they asked if I wanted a girl after the haircut. Suppose it's the logical conclusion to "something for the weekend".

My current chap costs about 1.40, and doesn't charge extra for the neck rub.

llewtrah said...

I used to get my hair cut by the fragrant Steve - cowboy boots, denims and big rings. After nearly having my eyes taken out by the big rings i had to go elsewhere.

Nowadays i just pop in to my usual place and tell MaryAnn to "do her worst" and not take too much off the length.

Annie said...

yes yes Billy, men love to go on about their £3.00 haircuts, but you try & find a salon that cuts women's long hair in central London for less than £40.00...

Meredith, classic! That part of the comment nearly passed me by... surely you have to do a post about it?!

Violet,when I was younger I used to think hairdressers were the heighth of cool - what was strange yesterday was that they seemed to be wearing identical fashions to nearly 20 years ago. I tried Supercuts once, but they charged extra to dry your hair...

Tim, right, though I wish I ressembled Foxy Brown, say, rather than Charles Shaar Murray. They asked if I wanted a girl after the haircut hahahaha! Now that's service!

Llewtrah, see, it pays to have someone you can trust. I am too scared of them and rubbish at making small-talk to have a regular.

Rad said...

Welcome to the 90s! :D

Annie said...

Right, Rad. 'That woman, she thinks she is still in the 90s.' It's just so last-decade.

Arabella said...

What! You have natural curls and the little witch put hot irons on you hair?
I know some people who could 'pay him a visit' if you like.

Anonymous said...

I told my last hair dresser that It's harder to keep a good hair dresser in London than a girlfriend.

Comeon post a picture.

Annie said...

Thanks Arabella, I'll call on you for Texan heavies... (I did ask him, contrarily preferring straight hair)

Adrian, 'last hairdresser' sounds sinister, like he displeased you and you bumped him off.
