Thursday, May 08, 2008

6 Random Facts meme

from Ben. After 3 *gulp* years of blogging, I'm running out of fascinating facts about moi that you don't already know, so help me out, hey. Anything you want to ask, or alternatively did anyone ever ask you something about yourself and you thought 'that's a great question'? Hit me with it. (I only need 6.)


Istvanski said...

How do we know you'll answer truthfully if at all?
(That wasn't meant to be one of the six questions, by the way.)

I ask because of the question I'll pose:

What's the worst ever 'sin' you've ever committed?

Rosie said...

you've been hit with an awful rash of MEMEs lately, haven't you?

Q: why do you blog?

Quink said...

How has a pupil left you completely speechless?

LC said...

When did you last get some hot, sweaty man-action?

Annie said...

Good question, Istvanski. I tend not to make stuff up on my blog as people I know read it and it makes me feel foolish to get caught out lying. (Or does it?)

Looking at the sins - lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride... I've committed most of them, but don't really consider them sins in the sense of evil-doing. I did do something illegal recently, with a good motivation(but then I can't tell you what it is, soz.)

Quink, recently one of the little boys reached up and patted my stomach in a friendly manner and said 'Comes a baby?' (Unfortunately strangling your students is frowned upon.)

LC - last Thursday.

Tim F said...

Was the licking of faces involved?

Anonymous said...

Yes - lick boy?

Ummm - you're always a mystery to me Miss Anne. I kind of like it that way:)

Annie said...

Tim - maybe.

Bad Sarah - I know. I lead a double life working for M15 too you know - shit, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that.

Annie said...

Sorry Rosie, I missed you there.

Why do I blog? I ask myself this question many times.

I started because I was a reader of blogs at work before I had my own computer & internet access. I liked all these funny interesting people I was reading, and wanted to join in... then I liked the interactivity of it all and the different way of communicating with people, and the chance to write, which I would never have otherwise in my life. But now and again I get Doubts about it all and am tempted to pull the plug.

Tim F said...

You do that and I'll come round and give you the world's worse Chinese burn.

Rosie said...

what Tim said. and thank you for answering my question - i thought that maybe i had asked a bad one and was being tactfully ignored (so i was sitting in the corner, sucking my thumb and working up the courage to squeak "miss? miss?")...