Wednesday, June 11, 2008


seen in Selfridges. I wants it.


Anonymous said...

It's a bit busy but cool:) x

emordino said...

Wowzers. I like that they finished it and thought, "Hmm, something missing... I know, let's hang an Eiffel Tower off the bottom of it!"

Unknown said...

Set it as an art project for your class - a couple of Barbie horses, a Polly Pocket castle, a tube of Superglue and a gallon or two of Humbrol enamel (22 white) - sorted!

Annie said...

Sar, 'a bit busy' is underestimating it.

Emordino, I know. 'What we need is horses. And plimsolls. A castle. And a poodle, a lightbulb, kitchen fittings, a string of pearls... Yet it's lacking a certain something.'

Marsha, I like your thinking. Though I can see where letting the 6 year olds loose on a tube of Superglue could end up as a Daily Mail headline.

llewtrah said...

Pretty amzing, but doesn't fit my decor. Could imagine it as a cat climbing post!