Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A nice video to make up for Monday's

The magnificent JR, (currently appearing at the Tate and all around town) photographed little Otis at a hospital in Liberia, then pasted the photos onto a 4 storey building in London (Mysteriously it says it's in Herdbrandt Street, which I've never heard of and doesn't appear to exist on Streetmap. Where can they mean?)JR is only 25, but take a look at his CV. Very envious.


Tim F said...

That's cos they spelled it wrong. It's Herbrand Street, which is in Bloomsbury, I think. Thereabouts, anyway.

Funny, that. If you'd looked it up in the index of an A-Z (even with the wrong spelling), you'd probably have found it, but not Streetmap. Fuzzy logic, see.

Nice film, btw.

Annie said...

Aah, thanks Tim. Computers are rubbish, really.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice.

Annie said...

You're welcome!