Friday, June 27, 2008

Scary visitor ii

Why is my humble blog suddenly of such interest to the American military/judicial system?


(Seriously, does everyone get these? Why can't I get people searching for porn, like everyone else?)


Bowleserised said...

I have a dedicated reader somewhere in the tax admin system in Maryland. Occasionally I think about asking people to out themselves, but I never do.

emordino said...

I had a visitor from Baghdad once. I like to think I brightened their day.

GreatSheElephant said...

I have a reader from the Pentagon but I can tell from where she comes via that she's largely interested in lipstick.

Annie said...

B, oh, I know what you mean. Whilst we're on the subject - very curious about the reader from Bombay. Care to out yourself, reader?

Emordino - maybe it was Riverbend!

I did once too GSE, maybe she was clicking through from you. I've never seen you post about lipstick. Perfume, yes.

rockmother said...

I had a worrying US government one once - did you see what they had searched for?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you don't get a lot of porn-searchers, given your blog name. I mean, Slaminsky. it just sounds kind of dirty. Out of context, of course.

I don't get any Dept of Justice visitors anymore on my up the odds, though I've just written a post on the overturning of the handgun ban. Try that - maybe you'll get the CIA or something! Exciting.

Rosie said...

i get the scary americans too, but my most popular search result remains "c*nt exposition"...

you've an awful habit of pulling posts down before i have a chance to comment on them, Anniekins. what gives?

Annie said...

No, RoMo, they appeared from nowhere... they're all out to get us...

Tara, tee hee! I'll be right over to read that.

'C*nt exposition' hilarious! Funny people... Rosie it goes like this:
That's a shit post. I will take it down, nobody wants to read that. Oh no, now I have nothing to post. Oh well, better than nothing, stick it back again...

It was easier in the days when nobody had feed readers.

llewtrah said...

My website gets lots of military visitors, but it has some military humour and most are probably my naval chums. When it gets a pile of hits I start to wonder what's happening!