Thursday, June 05, 2008


What do we think of them?


DraconianOne said...

I think they're tacky, cheap and ridiculous.

I'm also thinking of getting another.

Rosie said...

i've wanted one for years, i've even gotten one designed (a nice cherry blossom one for my foot). but i'm a bit chicken and terrified that i'll regret it, so i haven't actually got it yet.

Bowleserised said...

If I have kids and emerge a little, er, ravaged, I want loads of these:

in a kind of Tord Buntjen (sp?) style.

Rosie said...

oooh, that's very pretty.

i find piercings scratch the itch.

Timorous Beastie said...

Isn't that a bit like asking "Pictures, what do we think of them?" It all depends on the tattoo.

rockmother said...

I have been fascinated by tattoo art since young and was very taken with the brilliant Sylvia Plath short story The Fifteen Dollar Eagle which is about a huge 15 dollar eagle tattoo across someone's back. As an impressionable 14 year old I thought this was amazing much to my mothers silent horror! But - I would never have one - I hate the idea of permanence.

Rad said...

Love em. Never had one though.

Anonymous said...

I don't like putting on clothes that I can't take off.

Del said...

It's something I've toyed with personally for a long time. But I agree with Rockmother about permanence. I have never thought of an image or message that I would want on me til the day I die. The only thing that's stayed in my mind since my teens is a dotted line across my wrist, with scissors saying "In Emergency Cut Here." But it would probably get me sectioned.

Also I have a huge phobia of needles, which puts me off. If it weren't that I'd probably be a tattoo and piercing covered heroin addict.

I think they can look cool on other people. But the vast majority look a bit tacky. You gonna get one? Swallow on the neck. Timeless. Classy.

Tim F said...

Many Thai men are tattooed with symbols that are believed to bring luck - the artist is a sort of shaman. But the really classy thing is apparently to get invisible tattoos, with transparent ink. Bad spirits know you've been done, and stay away, but mere mortals are unaware of your transcendent powers.

Annie said...

Tom, what have you got already? Spill the beans!

Rosie, I've been with lots of friends to hold their hands when they had tattoos, and from this experience I can tell you, there's nothing to it...

B - that's quite amazing, I've never seen a white tattoo before.

Rosie - piercings eh? One of my friends at teacher training college got turned down for a job because she had her tongue pierced. Stuff and nonsense. What's the difference between ears and tongue hey?

TB, well yes and no, in that pictures are on a wall and tattoos are on the body, which tend to give rise to feelings about taboos, self-expression, body modification etc etc - usually people have strong opinions on it one way or another. It's also a way to invite people to tell their own stories...

I've never read that one RoMo. Nor the Rose Tattoo though I'm a big fan of Tennesse Williams. I feel like I should like them and they should be right up my street but most tattoo parlours have absolutely hideous, unimaginative designs.

Rad, what would you have if you did?

Wyndham, right, sometimes I don't like clothes I bought a few months ago. Fickle, me.

Del, me too. Are transfers for grownups beyond the pale? Going through a big life changing thing at the moment and found myself thinking 'I should get a tattoo to mark this momentous change' which is strange, almost like it was a thought from elsewhere, because I've never really wanted one.

Tim, cool. I guess that was the original idea of tattoos, more than a fashion statement. Quite liking the idea of an invisible tattoo. Hmmm.

Del said...

One of my friends at teacher training college got turned down for a job because she had her tongue pierced. Stuff and nonsense.

You are, of course, right, but sadly we don't make the rules. I'm in a job now where i can do whatever the hell I want, hence the red hair, but I do worry that something permanent like a tongue piercing or visible tattoo could backfire on me in the future. But would I want to work somewhere like that? I do wonder.

Glad you're having a momentous change. Change is good. I've had something similar. Hence, again, the red hair! Woot!

Let's get matching tattoos! I'll get Amy Winehouse on my back, you get Pete Doherty.

Annie said...

Good lord no!

You get Billie Holliday and I'll get Frank Sinatra.

Del said...

Hmm. They almost seem too try hard.

Benny and Bjorn?
Cosmo and Dibs?
Chaka Demus and Pliers?

Annie said...

Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers?

DraconianOne said...

Annie - unsurprisingly, I have a dragon (left shoulder blade). Got it when I was 21 (a long time ago). I have no regrets (apart from wishing I'd shopped around a little more before I did because although I designed it myself, it could probably be better).

Annie said...

Tom, I approve. If you're going to go for it, go for it bigtime with a dragon, not some little thing that looks like a blob from far away.

Rad said...

What would I have? That's the question. :D

When I was a 17 year old psychobilly I designed a brilliant skull with punk style quiff against a background of flames.
I'm soooooo very glad I didn't go through with that one. :D

But if I were to have one now I'd go for some kind of celtic design. Very original eh?

Moominmama said...

body art! cool!

Annie said...

Rad, you had a narrow escape. One of my friends has a very nice Celtic design on her arm, but she has to cover up at work as she gets weird reactions from colleagues. See, they are still not fully accepted.

CI - would you have one? Or do you?

bedshaped said...

It's all about personal preference.
If there's some kind of story behind them, or some thought has gone into them, then in my book they are cool.

Annie said...

Bedshaped, right - what would you have?

bedshaped said...

I've got three already. All my own ideas and designs to mark particular 'things' in my life.

Boz said...

I think if you have to do it, you need to go ALL-OUT and do something really impressive and individual. Like that Rugby player and his brother who have two halves of a pop art picture across their chests. I read Observer Sport for all the wrong reasons..